How To Install a GDEMU into a Sega Dreamcast
This is a tutorial that I’ve wanted to make for quite some time. The GDEMU has been for sale for a few years now (as far as I can tell)…
This is a tutorial that I’ve wanted to make for quite some time. The GDEMU has been for sale for a few years now (as far as I can tell)…
Holy smokes! Nobody really saw this coming, but there is now an official jailbreak for (most) iDevices on 12.4! I could barely stand the excitement, so I rushed to the…
Not even a day ago, we discussed the fact that iOS 12 now officially has a jailbreak. If you need to read all about that, feel free to do so…
If you’re here because you read the great news, that h-encore 2.0 is out and you want to mod your Vita, that’s great news! If you’re here because you want…
h-encore h-encore, where h stands for hacks and homebrews, is the second public jailbreak for the PS Vita™ which supports the newest firmwares 3.65, 3.67 and 3.68. It allows you…
Recently we got another jailbreak update for Electra. This jailbreak covered the more recent 11.3.1, so now Electra covers 11.0 through 11.3.1. If you want to know more about that,…
All Hail Electra! Those of you who bought a newer phone or missed the last Electra update will be happy to know that the jailbreak has been extended to work…
There has been a flurry of people on both sides of the aisle with opinions of the SX OS recently. To date, we’ve been covering the information from both sides.…
If you read the title, don’t worry, you weren’t being clickbaited here! There is finally a more conventional way of getting a 3DS/2DS modded with a custom firmware now instead…
The long awaited time has come for one and all. Anyone that has been waiting on an official jailbreak complete with Cydia on iOS 11 can now breathe easy! That’s…
You all may have heard of the “falling out” that Amazon and Google had recently. I suppose in some regards they are competitors in terms of the products that they…
Up until now, the Saïgon jailbreak has existed but only for developers. Well, them and others who are good with tinkering on the behind the scenes aspect of iDevices. But…