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Cyber Gadget’s Save Editor isn’t down for long!!!

save wizard

Well guys, it didn’t take long for Cyber Gadget to get through the new hoops from Sony on the latest PS4 firmware update, 4.50! As you know the latest update to the Playstation 4’s firmware patched, or more accurately added more security to, the save file so that Cyber Gadget’s …

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Using the Webkit Bug to start hacking the Nintendo Switch

Over this weekend you might have of heard that the Nintendo Switch ships with a well know WebKit vulnerability, that is the same Webkit vulnerability that iOS 9.3 had in its web browser. This vulnerability seems to span to other devices than just iOS. Developer qwertyoruiop, a well know iPhone hacker on Twitter, …

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Noob friendly version of DNSwitch released

Last week Red released DNSwitch, a Browser Utility that will let you use the hidden web browser inside of the Nintendo Switch. Without this utility, you can’t access the full web browser as it’s blocked by hard coded DNS. Now streaming sites such as YouTube, Netflix, etc.. still don’t work as that is Nintendo …

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PS4 FW update 4.50 patches Cyber Gadget game saveEditor

There been some controversy about Cyber Gadgets new product the PS4 game save editor. Which will allow you to modify PS4 game saves, for example being able to have all the levels complete and all the loot, so you can enjoy the game. You read more about how it works …

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These new tools make it a breeze to install any Pboot Bubbles on PSVita or PSTV

Thanks to PSVIMGtools released last week, there are a couple of PSVita hacks you can now do again like VHBL on your up-to-date Vita/PSTV or even on lower FW. Here are some of the updated tutorials from our PlayStationGuide that could be interesting for you: especially if you are on FW …

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Kingdom Hearts series prequel is getting a re-release as Kingdom Hearts Union x

Critically acclaimed mobile game Kingdom Hearts Unchained x, a prequel to the Kingdom Hearts series, is going to be re-released as Kingdom Hearts Union x[Cross] in the upcoming update. The main feature of the first major update, which is due to be released next month, will be a new “Union …

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Guide to getting your own custom skin for Steam

Let’s be real, everyone uses steam, and while we’re being real, it’s black and gray skin is pretty boring and as something a gamer uses all the time, some visual change is always welcomed. So I’ve discovered this only now and I might be pretty late to the party as …

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Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons work on Android devices

Since the release of the Nintendo Switch, everyone one been testing out what works and doesn’t work. Twitter user NintendoActu took it one step further and tried out the Joy-Cons on an Android device just to see if they would work. Now that Bluetooth devices can sync very easily with almost …

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