PlayStation TV downgraded?
There’s been a lot going on in the PSVita hacking scene from the native hack (UVLoader) to homebrew and emulators. Today xmaxkatsu showed us a few pictures on the internet…
There’s been a lot going on in the PSVita hacking scene from the native hack (UVLoader) to homebrew and emulators. Today xmaxkatsu showed us a few pictures on the internet…
A few years ago, fans began a project to bring doctor who to the lego-verse. After 8 months of fans and Lego employees designing, we came to a final set.…
So, it’s been nearly a month now since we got our native Vita Hack everyone was wanting so badly. Today I want to talk a little bit about the state…
Yesterday Bungie and Sony announced a new Destiny PS4 bundle. The contents of this bundle includes Destiny: The Taken King’s Legendary Edition, which is the version of the game which…
Good news everyone! Play! is a famous PS2 emulator developed by the developer Jean-Philip Desjardins and written entirely in C and C ++ for Windows, OSX, and Android. There was…
Today, hgoel0974 gave us taste of what he has been working lately – his Vita Homebrew Loader, and modified psp2shell. You might know hgoel0974 from and the /talk forums.…
While looking around on the PS Vita’s European PlayStation Store I stumbled across one heck of an app that didn’t make it to the USA. Network Media Player is a…
Here is a list of PSP/Vita homebrew apps for you to enjoy.. AbstractOS v0.1_eCFW.rar AdhocFileTranfer_eCFW.rar AIOTuner_eCFW.rar AndroidKitKat v1.6 Beta_eCFW.rar AutoGrapher v1.5_eCFW.rar Blabberbot_eCFW.rar Bookr_eCFW.rar DAPES v3.0.1_eCFW.rar DJSP_eCFW.rar Eloader_eCFW.rar FileManager-Extractor v1.1_eCFW.rar Fishell…
Here is a list of PSP/Vita homebrew games enjoy! If you don’t feel like downloading one at time, here is our super pack of homebrew games. Download: Super pack 15Puzzle_eCFW.rar… The team around libretro held true to their word and just released the newest version of RetroArch (Version 1.2) for various systems and with tons of new features! The…
It’s no secret digital was the wave of the future and with content sizes growing digital storage just can’t keep up so what’s the alternative to our limited platforms digital…
The secrets of the Nintendo PlayStation date back as far as 1988, when Sony and Nintendo made a partnership to creating one of the most innovative game consoles ever. This…