PSVita: How to install VHBL bubble on FW3.65

I didn’t think I was going to have to make this post but it seem we are still getting a lot of newcomers to the scene and they need a little extra help installing VHBL Bubble on FW3.65. There are a few ways to do this like one of them is having two PSVita or PSTV to make the VHBL bubble on earlier FW then put them on current FW via CMA backups or have a friend on lower FW help you out.


With the release of PSVIMGTOOL there no need to have two systems as you can now decrypt CMA backups and add the files you need to it to make it in a VHBL bubble. I’m going to show you how to use PSVIMGTOOL to inject VHBL into a game backup. You will also need a PSP demo or a game and you can also use minis as your base game to turn into VHBL bubble. I’m only going to say this once ARK does not work on FW3.65 so don’t even waste your time trying it out.

What you need:


A PSP demo, game or mini on the Vita:

A PSP demo, game or mini backed up via CMA or QCMA:

VHBL files:


First, it’s best to download your base games from PSN of course and once you have it on the Vita time to back up the base game with CMA or QCMA on the PC. You can use PSP demos like petz saddle club demo or loco midnight carnival demo in the US if you don’t have any PSP games or Mini’s.

Now that your backup is made you need to use PSVIMGTOOL and to make it easier its best to use PSVIMGTool frontend since it has an easy to use GUI that can just inject VHBL for you. Just back up the base game and pick the account you want to add then pick easy installers and pick VHBL to install VHBL.

Next, you will have to choose the Base game you want to install VHBL to then just click “Patch W VHBL” and it will automatically install VHBL to the Backup.

Now refresh your QCMA Database and then connect your PSVita to your PC and restore the PSP Game that you just modified and also copy the VHBL Savedata to your Vita.

Congrats you should now have VHBL on your Vita ?

Note: If you get error code c1-2858-3 just restart the vita and rebuild the database, then everything will work fine.

Here a video guide and a link to homebrew and emulators.

PSVita: Easy to Install Emulators & Homebrew for VHBL

About hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.

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  1. Gianluca Daniele Di Maggio

    Doesnt it still require henkaku? It should work on 3.63 aswell with this method, right?

    • Nope it work in ePSP on the vita just like all old exploits.

      • My games is not in ps other is in ps vita and whwn i copy demo on pc he copy on app and when i try tool to inject games he not found the games ,and if i mouve the games on pgames not work ,file not found eror 2 etc . Pleas help and scuse my einglsh.

  2. Gianluca Daniele Di Maggio

    didnt work on 3.63 with ape quest demo and prinny 2

  3. I’m a recently newcomer to the PSvita scene and I really was looking forward to this post! My problem is that I haven´t managed to install any PSP demo or game…

    • If you are on 3.65, just go to psn and get a psp demo, now if you are on 3.63FW then use vita update blocker to bypass the update or use a PS3 to get it on the vita.

  4. The save you provided for vhbl is bad it ends up with error. Used save whitch apears automaticaly after patching game and it worked

  5. What base game are you using? That is the only thing that might be having a hard time with. I use Nova or Numbast for mine. Loco midnight ot petz saddle club works fine too. That all I can tell you is try another base game.

  6. I get the error i tried building the database but that didnt work too can you help me

  7. Heya, A slightly separate issues I am having.

    Thanks for this tutorial, by the way, I am now able to play the games I backed up, using my Rerode 2, on my Vita =D

    I noticed you are the one who posted about emulators and homebrew for vhbl a few years ago.

    I can’t get DaedalusX64 to work when I put the files into an folder. How are you supposed to compile them and if its easier do you have a link for the latest revision that is compiled ready to install in vhbl?

  8. Okay so if your QCMA has no VHBL data in it, when you patch your game VHBL data will be created. Exactly where you are supposed to put the one from the download. Put it on your PSVita then copy the game. It totally worked for me.

  9. I keep getting an error when trying to install via psvitaimgtool WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified ‘/PGAME/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx//sce_/*.*’ (the x’s are the string of numbers for the file backup). i’ve tried restarting from step 1 but I keep getting the error. can anyone help?

  10. Hi! Newb here. I went through your video and was able to install VHBL. I do get the C1-2858-3. I see that I need to rebuild the database. The issue is that I’m not sure what this means or how to do that?

  11. So, after I make this I will be able to transfer .iso psp games to my vita?

  12. I was able to create the backup of loco midnight carnival demo, get the VHBL content installed onto the game, refreshed the database, plugged my Vita back in.. However once I attempted to copy said game from my PC to my Vita the process says it’ll take 299 minutes, been like that for a good 5 minutes or so. Perhaps I had done something wrong? Do I leave it for 5 hours and check back later?

    • No re install qcma something is wrong on your pc’s end.

      • Running QCMA on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
        Seems I cannot un-install QCMA, or make any modifications to it.. Keep getting this error

        N: Ignoring file ’50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist’ in directory ‘/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/’ as it has an invalid filename extension
        E: Unable to locate package QCMA

        • BTW! For those of you have the same problem, I found the solution..
          You must do sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist
          And then remove QCMA, and reinstall..
          Thanks for the assistance Jim, would have never came to this conclusion without you pointing out that something was wrong on my end.

  13. i did everything that you did but when i load VHBL it just freezes

  14. Running on El Capitan and I get as far as VHBL Easy Installer having a pop-up window that says “VHBL Backup Created! (Note: Icon will be same as base game). I click ok and the last line in Terminal reads: TclError: can’t invoke “destroy” command: application has been destroyed

    Any suggestions?

  15. Yes and there is one made for the Mac ..

  16. Im Getting this error

    IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode or filename: u c:\\documents and settings\\luckymouse\\desktop\\AAA/EXTRACTED\PGAME\NPUG80318/game/ux0_pspemu_temo_game_PSP_GAME_NPUG80318

  17. Saudações
    Como todos, também sou novo nessa drena… Queria saber quais os aplicativos que têm as mesmas funcionalidade que o HENkaku para uma psvita FW 3.65 e quis os sites para baixá-los, quais os sites para baixar directamente todo tipo de jogos para psvita, gratuitamente?

    O meu psvita é de 2016 e tem o fw3.65

  18. Ok guys i am sorry i really need your help i have a ps vita from scratch so i followed everything to the T and every time i load the vhbl bubble i get the horrible error code c1-2858-3 i rebuilt the database and still the same i used loco rocco and used petz saddle still the same i am on fw 3.65 and it is frustrating at this point i even reformat the vita and redid it all and still the same any ideas guys would be so mu h help i cant even get the thing to run i just get stuck at white screen with the error code

  19. i have been having the error problem trying to install the vbhl bubble and i have tried rebuilding and reinstalling and erasing everything and try to redo it all and i have been getting the c1-2858-3 error. can i please get some help.

  20. Hi all!

    I am stuck after few hours of trying to troubleshooting it by myself.
    Got a 2nd hand PS VITA with 3.65. I downloaded few demo games from the PSN. They are located in Application (PS Vita) folder.
    From all tutorials and reading that I have done, they would need to be in the PSPtm/Other folder. Correct?

    On Windows with psvimgtools-frontend, I could logged to my account. However while trying to “VHBL Easy Installers” and Select a backup I have nothing

    Can someone tell me what I missed?

    Thanks a lot in advance team!

  21. i followed all the steps from the tutorial but every time i enter the app it shows the health warning but the app closed pls help

    btw the game i used: AngryBird
    vita version: 3.65

  22. I reset my Vita 8 times and rebuilt the database and restarted the Vita, yet it still gives that c1-2858-3 error.
    Please help!

  23. i need help i have been getting permission denied every time i click on the psp demo and it does not let me do the last step to changing the demo to the vhbl plz help i do not know why its not working i have been trying many things from deleting the whole thing and reinstalling.

    • same thing here.. i keep getting this line:
      IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘keys/’
      can you please help @hackinformer?

    • hey i just found a solution, just try to use a lower version of psvimgtools. i use PSVIMGTOOLS-FRONTEND V0.4.2 and it worked.