Team XYZ shows off Molecule shell with their new exploit for PSVita FW3.70
It looks like its round three for the PSVita to have the latest FW3.70 exploited. So far the PSVita has had a pretty good run of hacks from PSP exploits,…
It looks like its round three for the PSVita to have the latest FW3.70 exploited. So far the PSVita has had a pretty good run of hacks from PSP exploits,…
The day has finally come to where the PSVita does not require you to have the latest firmware to play the latest games. With this new plugin for Henkaku and…
Last week we discussed XLink Kai upgrading their servers to support the Nintendo switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Well, today they have just released the new update for XLink…
Most of us that have a jailbroken PS4 on FW5.05 can’t use remote play like we used to but that all changes with remote play enabler from golden & SiSTRo.…
The PSVita has just got another firmware update to 3.69 once again this is just another useless update for PSVita/PSTV owners. So does this update block anything that worked the…
We are just a few days away from the release of the new jailbreak for the PSVita/PSTV called ‘h-encore’ which supports firmware 3.65, 3.67, and 3.68. The flow has just…
A few days ago TheFlow announced that he would be releasing his new hack sometime in September, well that has changed again and now he will release it on July…
If you have a PSVita you probably used remote play, once or twice and you might have even bought those remote play trigger grips for it to have L2 &…
Developer Blastrock have pushed out another update to his pkgj app for the PSVita and PSTV, Now bumped up to v0.14. This update adds the much-requested PSP packages, which I…
If you have ever cracked open your PS3 and heard of a homebrew store called brewology, then you know that you can download and install all types of homebrew directly…
Why it seems like just yesterday that TheFlow released his Adrenaline 6.2 update… But now, we’re onto seeing a 6.3 release of his famed product. This may be a minor…
Developer TheFlow is back at it again and updated his PSPEmu CFW Adrenaline to Version 6.2. With this release, he adds Rinnegatamantes f.lux to it. If you don’t know what…