FreeShop and the Dilemma of updating Games with a banned Switch
Yes, I believe many of us who own a Switch had it happen to themselves sooner or later that it got banned for running a CFW, messing with Homebrew Forwarders…
Yes, I believe many of us who own a Switch had it happen to themselves sooner or later that it got banned for running a CFW, messing with Homebrew Forwarders…
Surely, if you’re reading this, you have a PS4 on firmwares 4.74 through 5.07. And I’m also just spitballing here, but I’m supposing a fair amount of you have used…
“A few hours ago Atmosphère 0.8.5 was released and it features a cool addition called dmnt:cht which allows you to load cheats for your games. Here comes EdiZon which now…
Ever since the PS4 was hacked way back on 1.76 one thing many of us were waiting for was Homebrew and emulation and now that time has arrived. With the…
Not even a day ago, we discussed the fact that iOS 12 now officially has a jailbreak. If you need to read all about that, feel free to do so…
Hello one and all! I’ll keep this section short and sweet because I want to get down with sharing this story that just broke within the last 24 hours. That’s…
If you’re here because you read the great news, that h-encore 2.0 is out and you want to mod your Vita, that’s great news! If you’re here because you want…
h-encore h-encore, where h stands for hacks and homebrews, is the second public jailbreak for the PS Vita™ which supports the newest firmwares 3.65, 3.67 and 3.68. It allows you…
The final death of the PSVita is coming upon us at the end of 2019 but all of us Vita owners knew this was going to happen and most of…
Oh man, just when you thought that the iOS 11 scene was done and over with, more stuff happens. A lot of you are already aware of the Electra jailbreak…
We’ve got another handheld to review for your reading pleasure! This one is something that has evolved from a previous version. The previous one was reviewed all over the place…
The Nintendo Switch has plenty of custom themes but nothing that replaces the home menu on the Switch. Well, that’s all about to change with the homebrew app called Goldleaf…