Review: N64 RGB Mod from HDRGB!
Today I have somewhat of a special treat for retro gaming enthusiasts out there. If you’re one of those people that fell in love with Nintendo’s first ever full 3D…
Today I have somewhat of a special treat for retro gaming enthusiasts out there. If you’re one of those people that fell in love with Nintendo’s first ever full 3D…
If you were following our content back in November 2017, you may remember us reviewing Super Lucky’s Tale. It is a story of a fox named Lucky who has to…
It’s a lovely day when another game developer releases a game for older retro hardware. Today we get to talk to you about one such game that is coming to…
Today we have a fun little treat, it’s something that you don’t ever see often, multicarts! If you’re unfamiliar with what a multicart is, we’ll get that out of the…
Recently, if you remember, I made an article about RetroGamingArts and their site being a good place to buy modchips in 2018. Well, I thought I would do it again,…
The Sega Genesis or Mega-drive was a 90 gamer’s dream console. It had a great game library, gorgeous graphics, and it claimed that it could do what “Nintendon’t”. One of…
Pixel Girl is a streamer across the pond in the UK who, every year has a 24 hour streaming marathon of gaming. 2018 will be no different for her as…
The long awaited time has come for one and all. Anyone that has been waiting on an official jailbreak complete with Cydia on iOS 11 can now breathe easy! That’s…
There are tons of clone, retro systems on the market right now. Some are single systems, some are multi-systems, some are emulator based, some are hardware clones, some are cartridge…
That’s right everyone, the long-lost title 40 Winks is finally going to see a release in 2018 from Piko Interactive! As soon as you open the Kickstarter page for 40…
As we march further along in time, there are artifacts that linger from the past. One such magnificent relic is the Nintendo Gamecube. If you want to play the Gamecube…
Every year Planet Comicon is touted as the premier nerdy convention of the center of the US. You might think that that’s not a big deal, but they get big…