Game Review: SUPERHOT Mind Control Delete
Today’s review is a sequel of sorts to SUPERHOT. SUPERHOT:Mind Control Delete (SUPERHOT Team, $24.99) is being released as its own standalone game. It’s not a VR game like the…
Today’s review is a sequel of sorts to SUPERHOT. SUPERHOT:Mind Control Delete (SUPERHOT Team, $24.99) is being released as its own standalone game. It’s not a VR game like the…
Today we’re going to be discussing the Save Manager from TX. It’s designed for their CFW on the Switch (including Mariko and Lite models). It’s unclear as of now if…
This is the first mobile game that I’ve reviewed and honestly, I’m extremely pumped to share it with you all. Beat Legend: AVICII ($2.99, Hello There Games) is a new…
Microsoft has now officially crossed the finish line with their latest showcase today. We now have a lineup of games with matching gameplay headed to their systems. If you’re interested,…
Previously, I have reviewed GBA shells and lenses from RetroSix. Everything I’ve reviewed meets our Hackinformer standard of retro products. Great longevity, build quality, heck, even the feel of the…
It’s finally arrived! The game I’ve been looking forward to for like a YEAR now, maybe more. Who cares about how long I’ve been craving the release of Superliminal ($19.99,…
I got my hands on yet another mid-summer haunt, Blair Witch. This game from Bloober Team has already existed for some time elsewhere. But now it’s out for the Switch.…
Ubisoft is back in 2020, albeit without E3. This year they’re going through streaming channels as are the others. Ready for the announcements that Ubisoft has from their studios? Yeah,…
Buckle up you crazed Devolver fans. You get yet another year of the gnarly story that has continued through the years alongside of E3. This year they’re back with another…
It’s summertime, sure, but that doesn’t mean we can’t scare the hell out of ourselves like it’s October. Infliction: Extended Cut ($19.99, Caustic Reality/Blowfish Studios) sets out to do just…
Another company has just dropped tons of announcements in lieu of E3. This time around it’s the infamous Limited Run Games. Let’s just jump right into it and see what…
I know you must be anxious to read this. We’ll cover everything that has been announced so far and what it means for the future of the PS4. If you’ve…