Rumored Nintendo Switch Flash Cart with Video Proof…
The Nintendo Switch might be getting a Flash cart, also known as a flashcard or a game cartridge emulator, is a third-party device that allows users to play downloaded games…
The Nintendo Switch might be getting a Flash cart, also known as a flashcard or a game cartridge emulator, is a third-party device that allows users to play downloaded games…
Heya everyone, did you ever look at some TVs with an Ambilight integrated and told yourself “Dang that’s looking cool I want that too”? I’ve had that happen to me…
Many people I know adopted the SX Pro pretty early on when we didn’t have a lot of choices for a CFW on our Nintendo Switch. But since then the…
Heya Here we are. Back with Part 2 of my Gamescom Experience. Again sorry for the delay. Just like at Day 1, the Day began early for me but…
Heya. Gamescom is on and we’re on it. I know the first day is already over but let’s talk about it anyway since I was far too tired to make…
Well SX OS has been out since roughly 3 days now since Team Xecuter released their SX Pro and the accompanying CFW called SX OS. True to their statement that…
To begin this: Yes this is gonna be a rant and this is my personal opinion. Feel free to disagree and do CONSTRUCTIVE critic but if you keep reading it’s…
Scene Group BigBlueBox has been dumping Switch Cartridges for quite some time now. We could also dump Nintendo Switch game cartridges well some parts of our Cartridges via Homebrew thanks…
Hekate has been out for quite some time now and many people have been enjoying it to use Homebrew on their Switch on any Firmware. There was one caveat left…
We have yet to see a utility for us Users which allows us to do a full XCI Game Backup with all Partitions and not just the normal Game Partition…
Who didn’t experience it? You got yourself a Switch on an older firmware but upon inserting the SD your Switch complained that it needed an Update to support exFat formatted…
After Team Xecuter has announced their AutoRCM Method it was largely discussed how this would work. The initial idea is pretty simple though and has already been thought about over…