Battle Chasers: Nightwar a Kickstarter from Darksiders developer
Omg…OMG yes. The day has come. Ok sorry allow me a moment to regain my composure and explain why I almost lost control of my bodily functions a few days…
Omg…OMG yes. The day has come. Ok sorry allow me a moment to regain my composure and explain why I almost lost control of my bodily functions a few days…
Hey guys. Just thought it would be good to get a little update article out there on this topic. Acid Snake and Coldbird are, as you already know, working on…
As it seems cfwprohpet is on a run lately releasing handy tools for the psvita. Probably only a few people really noticed that he released an updated version of the…
In this section we will see how to turn Big Boss Snake into a Demon and unlock the trophy HERO. How to become Hero or Demon Every time you pass…
Here’s a few tips for carry a lot of bonuses in MGS V: TPP transferring the save data from MGS V:GZ depending on the missions you have accomplished. Transfer Data…
Today I want to tell you my thoughts about the last chapter of the story of Big Boss that most of us known as Jack/John/Snake/Naked Snake/Venom Snake/Punished Snake and so…
Due to some minor problems users of Rebug 4.75.1 and 4.75.2 had been experiencing. Team Rebug pulled those releases, fixing the problems and then released Rebug REX/D-REX 4.75.3. You can…
173210 has revealed yet another new exploit for firmware 3.52 and although this exploit is for the Japanese region there is a big advantage to is one as it’s totally…
As the Title says Team Rebug released a new Version of their awesome Rebug CFW with a integrated 4.76 spoofer, new Toolbox Version v.02.02.06 and Webman Mod v.1.43.02 REBUG EDITION…
Universal Onemenu has been upgraded to V2R1, the main change is the support for games .dax CFW format in LME / ME , it is a pity that so far…
Here is the first 3rd party controller for the PS4 with touchpad capabilities, Hori doesn’t just stop there; by adding a wide range of value added features to the new…
Sony has just released FW 4.76 for PS3 and it changed nothing in my opinion. It just improved system stability during the use of some Applications! (This is my guess…