SX OS Updated to 1.2!
This last week or so has been a big one for Team Xecuter. From releasing the SX OS and SX Pro (discussed here) to updating their SX OS to 1.1.…
This last week or so has been a big one for Team Xecuter. From releasing the SX OS and SX Pro (discussed here) to updating their SX OS to 1.1.…
Just recently we wrote up an article outlining the release of the SX Pro and SX OS from Team Xecuter. It was a glorious day for those of you out…
Well SX OS has been out since roughly 3 days now since Team Xecuter released their SX Pro and the accompanying CFW called SX OS. True to their statement that…
We are just a few days away from the release of the new jailbreak for the PSVita/PSTV called ‘h-encore’ which supports firmware 3.65, 3.67, and 3.68. The flow has just…
We’ve all seen the build up from Team Xecuter about their SX OS and their SX Pro products that would be released. The SX OS is their custom firmware that…
If you’ve had a jailbroken PS4 for a while and tried to use an official game saves with one of your game backups they wouldn’t be recognized and go corrupted.…
Having a jailbroken PS4 can be quite fun especially if you like to cheat or modify games. About a week ago the PS4 cheater payload got updated to support FW…
A few days ago TheFlow announced that he would be releasing his new hack sometime in September, well that has changed again and now he will release it on July…
To begin this: Yes this is gonna be a rant and this is my personal opinion. Feel free to disagree and do CONSTRUCTIVE critic but if you keep reading it’s…
The last day of any event is always so sad. You can feel the people dreading the eventual goodbyes. But at E3, well, things are different. The last day is…
If you have a PSVita you probably used remote play, once or twice and you might have even bought those remote play trigger grips for it to have L2 &…
The Day 2 of E3 was another great day overall! We connected with even more folks today and got some more great content for all of you! Read on and…