Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Hello Vita enthusiasts! It’s been a couple of months, but TheFloW is back again with another update for his widely popular Adrenaline. Adrenaline is a software that modifies the official PSP Emulator using taiHEN CFW framework to make it run a PSP 6.61 custom firmware. Thanks to the power of taiHEN, Adrenaline can inject custom code into the IPL which allows unsigned code to run at boottime! But enough about what it is, let’s look into it’s change log and such!


  • Added ability to fast forward in PS1 games by pressing L+SELECT. This stays in this mode until you press the combination again to disable the speed increase.
  • Fixed double launch bug when using without enso. You need to add the kernel module to config to do so.

How to do a Fresh Install:

  1. Download Adrenaline.vpk and install it using VitaShell.
  2. Launch Adrenaline and press X to download the 6.61 firmware. After finishing it will automatically terminate.
  3. Relaunch Adrenaline, this time it will go into pspemu mode. Follow the instructions on screen.

How to Update to 6.4:

  1. If you have already been using Adrenaline and want to quickly update, simply open Adrenaline.vpk as zip file and copy all modules from sce_module to ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW/sce_module.

If you like the author’s work, follow him on Twitter @V1RACY and don’t forget to enter the weekly giveaways!

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