Progress update on the PS4 Remote play app for the PC
Just a few weeks ago we showed you the PS4 Remote Play app for the PC by Twisted. If you don’t know who Twisted is, you should as he is…
Just a few weeks ago we showed you the PS4 Remote Play app for the PC by Twisted. If you don’t know who Twisted is, you should as he is…
The Vita scene has been jumping around with all kind of goodies ever since UVloader was released and many of us may have thought epsp was out the window with…
There’s been a lot going on in the PSVita hacking scene from the native hack (UVLoader) to homebrew and emulators. Today xmaxkatsu showed us a few pictures on the internet…
Yesterday Bungie and Sony announced a new Destiny PS4 bundle. The contents of this bundle includes Destiny: The Taken King’s Legendary Edition, which is the version of the game which…
Here is a list of PSP/Vita homebrew apps for you to enjoy.. AbstractOS v0.1_eCFW.rar AdhocFileTranfer_eCFW.rar AIOTuner_eCFW.rar AndroidKitKat v1.6 Beta_eCFW.rar AutoGrapher v1.5_eCFW.rar Blabberbot_eCFW.rar Bookr_eCFW.rar DAPES v3.0.1_eCFW.rar DJSP_eCFW.rar Eloader_eCFW.rar FileManager-Extractor v1.1_eCFW.rar Fishell…
Here is a list of PSP/Vita homebrew games enjoy! If you don’t feel like downloading one at time, here is our super pack of homebrew games. Download: Super pack 15Puzzle_eCFW.rar…
Just when you thought the native Vita hack “Rejuvenate” progress has slowed down on homebrew and emulator porting or remakes it hasn’t. Developer frangar was able to successfully port over…
If any of you have an Android device and a PS4 then you know about the Modded Android Remote Play app by Twisted. Well, he has not stopped there! He’s…
Naughty Dog collaborator Nolan North, famously known for his voice acting of the Uncharted series hero Nathan Drake, commented during a Q&A at MetroCon, “For now, the last one, I…
It’s that time again as PlayStation get ready for some routine maintenance and improvements to the PlayStation Network. If any of you are using Vita update blocker or Charles proxy…
Just yesterday TomTomDU80 and Mr. Gas released their method to install PKG files. As you all know the package installer only works on FW 3.18 so this is a great…
Breaking News!! frtomtomdu80 and Mr. Gas show you how to install PSM Dev Assistant for Unity on Fw3.20 and up. This trick will allow anybody to install packages without the…