pool hall pro

Pool Hall Pro: Qwikrazor releases VHBL for PHP only!

pool hall pro

Hey guys! After all the commotion and raucous surrounding the Pool Hall Pro/World of Pool exploit and VHBL for firmware 3.52 Qwikrazor has come through in the end. Well, sort of.

The World of Pool exploit is too crappy to be of any use. It won’t work at all, via Qwik. As for Pool Hall Pro, the US version, he has released a VHBL for it. Now, keep in mind that all minis and some, but not all, of the former exploit games now have the 1mb patch that won’t allow anything over 1mb to be loaded from the save. So even though this is technically a VHBL, you can’t load anything bigger than 1mb. If you get anything bigger than that you’ll have problems.

pool hall pro

Now for the instructions. It will only run with 138menu. What you need to do is copy 138menu files over into the save file, rename the menu eboot to WMENU.BIN then transfer the save to your Vita. Load Pool Hall Pro, load the save file, go to arcade mode, start. I will include a link to the files at the bottom of the article.




I know there has been a lot of drama surrounding this game and this should clear up a little of it. Everyone makes mistakes and we try to give you guys as much as possible and in doing so we got bit in the butt. LOL Regardless, here is the VHBL for PHP. Enjoy.

138menu Click Here!

VHBL for Pool Hall Pro save file Click Here!

Edit:     VHBL (limited) for PHP US 3.52 (menu tested and working on 3.51, but 1MB crap still exists).

3.51 fw save file Click Here!

Edit 2: Hackinformer has graciously created a compatibility thread for emulators and is testing some to see what will work.   CLICK HERE!!!!

Edit 3: Our wonderful team member SebasTorron has graciously created a how-to video for this exploit.

About JohnthePooka

Just your friendly neighborhood redneck from Alabama keeping things interesting. I cling to my God, my games and my guns! Roll Tide and HAPPY GAMING!! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @johnfrazarjr

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  1. its so sad we can’t running any emulators but still nice job for you guys. thanks

  2. Daniel Whittlesey

    So we cannt run emulators at all. And if so can we put roms in different game save files

  3. hi i was wondering what if you downloaded pool hall pro before it was taken down to apply that patch? or was it there all along….

  4. The patch is in the firmware, not the game. So when you got it is irrelevant.

  5. So what can we actually run with this? It’d be nice if there were some super tiny emulators or homebrew to play with.

  6. in conclusion I mean you can not play anything with this? or games can be played? so that then serves, for PSP, N64, SNES, GBA, GBC? you can play some games with this. please answer me

  7. Daniel Whittlesey

    What About nes Roms. Most of them are way less than 1 mb. I think super mario is only 197kbs.

  8. Daniel Whittlesey

    Is the 1mb limitation for the emulator and rom or just the rom it’s self

  9. After following the instructions of moving the menu files into the save folder, renaming the eboot to WMENU.BIN, transferring the save and loading it, I get the green text and everything, then the green text stops, and it kicks me back to the ps vita menu. What am I doing wrong? Could we get further instructions on setup?

  10. tengo ps vita 3.52 pool hall pro USA. me podrian decir si sirve para jugar algun juego o no se puede jugar nada? que juegos puedo jugar? no se puede usar TN-V ? se pueden usar juegos de psp, snes, n64, gba, gbc ? pueden poner un video de como se instala el exploit y los juegos? o es que en conclusion vote $4 a la basura?

  11. Ok guys, Hackinformer has created a thread for compatible emulators. Here is the link. I will add it to the article in a minute.

  12. Thanks ss4gogeta069 and hackinformer. Could we get a further guide for setting up the exploit? I’ve had errors all day.

  13. Et la sauvegarde de l’exploit du jeu World Of Pool qui a coûté 6,99 euros aux européens elle vient quand?C’est bien beau de proposer la sauvegarde US mais y’a aussi des cons d’Européens comme moi qui ont acheté cette daube.

  14. Well, I’ve got vhbl set up, and installed the lynx emulator, but the roms I have won’t show up. I put them in the lynx roms folder, in the install zip, but still nothing. I would post this on the forums but I am waiting on the register confirmaiton email. Thanks again for all the hard work you guys do!

    • Daniel Whittlesey

      How do I set up the vhbl. Everything I try gives me an error. Using cma WiFi on php 3.52 I saw anonymous saying he had his set up. Please tell me how

  15. Daniel Whittlesey

    I’m working on this problem myself. In a nut Schell. Your install pkg (emulator/ homebrew)has to be only 1mb and as we know everyone puts roms in their install package. I’m hoping we can put roms in another game save file. Then set the roms default folder to the different roms file. Aside from atari I would love a( nes ) emulator or genesis, because those roms are all below 1mb. I hope the ones smarter than me can help on this issue, or have a better way of getting nes working. Thanks again ps vita community

  16. Sorry I been busy testing and working on files for NES but still have a little trouble. I did get SMS working, I placed it on our thread in the forums. I will do my best to try to get other things working..

  17. Definitely gonna enjoy the sms emulator, thanks hackinformer! I’ve been testing a few things here and there but it was no joke that this doesn’t load much. Still great 3.52 has an exploit.

  18. With the 1mb limit in force the exploit is useless im sorry to say, all the good emulators will not work.

    Qwik probably shouldnt have wasted his time porting VHBL to this, 99% of homebrew is larger than 1mb!

    • Its enough for .e to get my measly $4 out of for SMS alone. Besides I have one PSTV on 3.20 with Patapon exploit and Tekken 2 as well as XS Moto and PSM+ Unity. Thanks a ton for your effort. If NES becomes viable I am over the hills with joy. Lynx also is another plu .

  19. I buy with your advice this shitty game and my question is where is this fu”””g saving exploit for europeans users?

    Cadeau for others members,this homebrews works with the puzzle scape exploit:

    SMS plus PSP 1.2.5
    Uosnes9x 0.02y33+rukka0032
    Uosnes9x 0.02y33+rukka0034
    Nesterj Nes emulator 1.13
    PSP filer 6.6 go version
    Handy PSP 0.95.1
    Colem PSP 2.5.2
    Fmsx PSP 3.5.41
    Race 2.151.0
    Fceup PSP
    Atari 800

    Voilà testé et approuvé par moi.

  20. Daniel Whittlesey

    Can anyone modify this fceu-psp.zip

    325.78 KB. Or is it not use able for nes emulator

  21. Daniel Whittlesey

    The above post. Each install pkg file has to be under 1mb

  22. Can’t play homebrew more 1MB, I pay 4$ for game and I only play Emu Nes o.O, that can fix ?

    • I pay 6,99 euros for nothing just a blabla.

      This list works for save exploit limited a 1mb:

      SMS plus PSP 1.2.5
      Uosnes9x 0.02y33+rukka0032
      Uosnes9x 0.02y33+rukka0034
      Nesterj Nes emulator 1.13
      PSP filer 6.6 go version
      Handy PSP 0.95.1
      Colem PSP 2.5.2
      Fmsx PSP 3.5.41
      Race 2.151.0
      Fceup PSP
      Atari 800

  23. My vita gets an error code at creating installer list
    Error code is –> (C1-2858-3)

  24. @hackinformer
    From my side, I will not ask or request anything from anybody.I will try to forget this bad story……i will try to forget your mistakes that costed me 7 euros.

    • You poor poor fellow. You lost an entire life’s savings on this fiasco. May I reimburse you from my poor poor pitiful people’s fund?

    • Ok, let me explain something to you. Regardless of what you think, you are not entitled to exploits or anything else. It is not our fault you bought the game. We did not tell you to buy it. You did that on your own. Just bc you feel special doesn’t give you the right to run your mouth on my article. In fact, I would prefer you never came back to this article again. I would prefer you stayed off the site. You’re a cancer to everyone around you I’m sure and certainly provide nothing but whiney crap so go away.

  25. There is also a bug in the 138 Menu that limits the amounts of files installed, I was installing a NES Emu with about 185 + the default file list, but the total size was 997kb and it keeps freezing during install. Not a complaint as I can select just the ones I want but something that should be kept in mind.

    • It would seem that the maximum number of files plus the emu must stay below 23 (using FCEUltra for PSP)

  26. almost disappointing that this is good for nothing or play a simple game of Game Boy Color flagpole makes me want to mourn for my lost money. but hey I do not blame them is that everyone makes mistakes and just thank you all for your hard work and dedication time. I have all pro pool PSvita 3.52 US, Gladiator Begins US, Valhalla Knights 1 US, US Monster hunter join. exploid will wait for a new one of these games hopefully leave some. Thank you

    • I agree 100%. It is disappointing. I can’t argue with that at all. It’s prob more disappointing to us than it is to all of you. Glad most of you guys are taking it in stride.

    • Using the provided SavedData I successfully loaded VHBL with menu138…unfortunately it works for a limited amount of time (about 2min) then I get the error C1-2858-3.
      No emulators/games included in the SavedData.
      Also I was able to install a NES emulator with Contra ROM…but again after 2 min I see the C1-2858-3 error.

  27. I could give emulator gba gbc or serve please. and I downloaded some as RIM and SPICEBOY and are in 138menu but when I give the option to shoot me comfirmed installation error. please help me and I’ve been trying a lot and nothing

  28. Daniel Whittlesey

    Same problem for me. The save folder downloaded from above (without Iinstall pkg ie emulator) keeps giving me the C1-2858-3) error. Will someone please make a video. Or give more detailed instructions.

  29. C1-2858-3 error

  30. Daniel Whittlesey

    Come on community please help

  31. I have worked and worked all day but to no avail. I still have no roms showing up on pylnx or the sega emulator. I have tried multiple times and triple checked that the install file contained roms. I only used like 1 at a time to keep below 1 mb, and still nothing.

  32. ive tried everything and still cannt the vhbl to load keep getting that damn error please explain this process because everything ive read and tried doesnt work

  33. Qwikrazor, Zeet, anyone help please. ive watched the zeet video the save exploit is 448kbs an original save file to run the exploiot. well all of the files above in this post are around 1.6mb I cannt get the vhbl to finish loading I keep getting error please help

  34. can anyone make a guide video show me how to exploit this game? I transfered the save data, even the link hackinformer replied on the comment but the screen just freezed and after 10s it showed “An error has occurred (C1-2858-3)”

  35. I have it working fine with the files and I just replaced the files that needed to be done for the 138menu..

  36. Daniel Whittlesey

    Can u reupload those save files to another place. I cannt download from mega. Thanks

  37. Is 138menu creating a log file w/ a file size that is getting out of control or something? I only get the C1-2858-3 error when I let it sit on the menu. Once I boot into something like FCEU-PSP it’s fine.

  38. Scratch that, it just took a lot longer for it to die when in FCEU-PSP

  39. Don’t place your roms in the same dir as the homebrew or emulators. Place them in a different save folder as NES, SMS,and PCE can look in different dir to find your roms.

  40. Seriously how many cheap miserable bastards are there moaning about paying such a tiny price for this game.

    If you can do nothing with the exploit, you still have a game you can play.

    And finally if this extremely cheap game is too expensive for some of you people, ask your parents to raise your pocket money, or get a better paying job >.<

  41. GregoryRasshittinbull

    Shut up mother fucker and suck your fucking bastard father…..hijo de puta.

  42. I dont understand what im doing wrong. i keep getting error (c1-2858-3) and it keeps saying configure files not found or corrupt. need help