The Legend Of Zelda: the Wind Waker HD Review
Hi guys! Gaarasaiyan here again with another review of a game that I’d say is well worth playing. Today we will be reviewing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker…
Hi guys! Gaarasaiyan here again with another review of a game that I’d say is well worth playing. Today we will be reviewing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker…
Alot of people have expressed concerns and feedback on the Gateway DS Profile exploit for the N3DSXL. So the Gateway team has updated the blue cart GW_INSTALLER.nds to support the…
It seems that even Gamestop, who at one time sold all of the retro consoles and games, is now getting back into the market! As you may or may not…
The Libretro team has been working very hard to bring you Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color and Genesis (Mega Drive) emulators. Thats right new emulators to try out on the 3DS…
Hyperkin, the folks that brought the Game Genie back to life and graciously gave us the Retron 3 and Retron 5, have pulled a good one. What started as a…
Nintendo has just released a new 3DS firmware update version 9.6.0-24, which is needed in order to access the eShop like all updates. This update has added amiibo settings for…
It’s been a busy New Year for all the hacking scenes lately and today we just got the common key for the WiiU. The Wii hacking scene has been one…
Hello all this is riddle43 back to help you all install nesoid or pretty much any of the (old) emulators on your gamestick running in development mode, if you haven’t…
It seem that everyone can’t waiting for a new release of firmware, for the Gateway 3ds. I know, because I started quite a stirrup the other day about that fake…
Hello all its riddle43, back with a few small game reviews to fill your play time this Holiday season and to keep some cash in your pockets for your gift…
The wait is over!! Just a few minutes ago Developer/Hack Smealum, released the Cubic Ninja exploit files needed to run the 3DS homebrew launcher. You will have to visit this…
3DS Developer @smealum has just announced the name of the game required to exploit the device to install a homebrew-esque channel onto your 3DS much like the Wii’s Homebrew Channel.…