Team Rebug, back from the grave?
If you are into the PS3 scene, you must have heard of Team Rebug and their famous Rebug CFW for the PS3. Their aim was (and we hope still is)…
If you are into the PS3 scene, you must have heard of Team Rebug and their famous Rebug CFW for the PS3. Their aim was (and we hope still is)…
I know you all like playing your favorite arcade games on your Playstation/Vita TV with TN-V. Well, I don’t blame you. Who doesn’t like sitting on the couch with a…
Here goes my first Blog post. Thanks to Hackinformer for giving me the chance. Let’s cut the talk and get to the point. You will need: A PlayStation/Vita TV or…
“Update this now works on firmware 3.18 and it also works for PlayStation TV firmware 3.20 “ Yesterday, DaveeFTW released some interesting info on the Psvita Webkit exploit. At the…
New images for Phantasy Star Nova have arisen and it looks like the player must explore the planet Machia, a very special place in which the photons do not exist…
The PlayStation TV came out this week. So I had plenty of time to play with it and test different games. So let’s start off with the pros then I…
Are you having problems with psp iso file’s not working on TN-V or ARK 2.0? Well try turning them into CSO file, which are just compress ISO files. Plus if…
I been getting asked alot on how you can use opencma or qcma on the PS TV FW 3.20 without it asking you to update. It’s really easy to bypass…
The PSTV just got released today and it’s on firmware 3.20, (yeah 3.20), but there’s nothing special about firmware 3.20 other than it mimics 318. When you first get the…
Someone over at NeoGAF has took the liberty and compared the current list to the original list found copied and pasted here, and found that these games were pulled from…
A couple of day ago, the developer SKFU meant to clarify his point of view after reading the article that appeared, and it seems that Sony has indeed changed…
According to the FAQ below , the PS TV will require a firmware update at launch so it’ll be shipped on lower firmware than 3.30!!! Now that we know, the…