Samurai Warriors 4 Empires Review
What better way to spend a weekend than uniting the land! I have been playing Samurai Warriors 4 Empires thanks to our friends over at Koei Tecmo from around the…
We find ourselves on the precipice of a gaming & tech evolution. Sony, Google, Microsoft and so on are developing new technology all the time so we are here to review those gadgets to see if they are worth buying and you’re not wasting your cold hard cash.
What better way to spend a weekend than uniting the land! I have been playing Samurai Warriors 4 Empires thanks to our friends over at Koei Tecmo from around the…
First I would like to thank Publisher XSEED Games for providing me with a review copy of Return to Popolocrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale. If you’re not familiar with…
Hey all, I missed my last throwback Thursday Retro Review but not this time! (Although it may not get published until Friday, as I’m writing this rather late in the…
Hey guys, Gaarasaiyan here again today with a game review that I think most of my fellow Anime and Dynasty/Samurai Warriors fans will truly enjoy. I am here to tell…
I have been waiting for some time for a certain game to come to consoles. I loved it on the PC, and I am not really much of a PC…
Every once in a while a good 2D fighting game comes along, and this is one of those times. Our good friends over at XSEED Games have sent us a…
I know, you’re saying Gogeta, Shovel Knight has been out for a long time. Well, you’re right. I just discovered it, or should I say finally ponied up the dough…
We all have our fond memories with our first and favorite home consoles. These experiences usually stay with you and played a big role in your childhood. I spent alot…
A few days ago I received a package from our friends over at to review the N8 EverDrive for the NES. Now this cartridge is one that you will…
Hey all, I am here to start a new weekly post series called Throwback Thursdays where I review one retro game. It will be from the ps1/n64 era of games…
Hey there Bloodborne fans and Noobs, ss4gogeta069 back with an addition to Bloodborne, The Old Hunters, and a mighty good one in my humble, ok maybe not so humble, opinion.…
Hey, guys Gaarasaiyan back again (FINALLY!) with another review. Today we will be touching on something a bit old, but something Square Enix is (once again) trying to make new.…