How to make Vita bubbles without a PS3
Thank to @kuin00, you can finally make your own bubbles for the PSVita without a PS3, you will still need TN-V or VHBL on your PSvita to make these bubbles.…
Thank to @kuin00, you can finally make your own bubbles for the PSVita without a PS3, you will still need TN-V or VHBL on your PSvita to make these bubbles.…
Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened…
Well finally someone has released one way to do this bubble trick, that you seen lately on the PSVita. Thanks to xmaxkatsu, everyone that owns a PS3 can do this…
The wait is over!! Just a few minutes ago Developer/Hack Smealum, released the Cubic Ninja exploit files needed to run the 3DS homebrew launcher. You will have to visit this…
I figured I would make this little blog post and an all in one Emulator pack to download, so you won’t have to hunt down all those emulators for your…
Great news, my friends, believe it or not, Playjam has freed the GameSticks!! They opened away to convert our “consumer” GameSticks to what they call the “developer” GameStick in a…
There’s been rumors from various sites that 3ds Gateway will support 9.x firmwares and new 3ds, and at last the Gateway Team has officially confirmed this on their site. The…
I haven’t been payed much attention to the micro Android console’s world lately, but this Game Stick caught my eye, because it was priced at $16.98. I remeber at one…
Lately, you might have seen that there are some new developments in the PSVita live area, like these new bubble icons. Well, developer qwickrazor87 has found a new way of…
New reports have been coming in that the new Share Play feature would work with all PS4 games, but Sony has clarified that game developers can restrict the feature, as…
As we are getting closer to launch of SKY3DS, today Disk Writer tool was released on official SKY3DS site. Download consists of “DiskWriterV100.exe” and “template.txt”. template.txt is advised to be…
A few weeks ago, a couple of friends and Acez decided to take a look at the PS Vita in order to see if they could exploit it in any…