Some new features have been leaked about PS4 beta FW 3.00
Earlier today, a NeoGAF users shared/ leaked some info on the latest PS4 firmware 3.00 coming soon. In this upcoming firmware update it looks like it’s going to be nothing…
Earlier today, a NeoGAF users shared/ leaked some info on the latest PS4 firmware 3.00 coming soon. In this upcoming firmware update it looks like it’s going to be nothing…
I have talked about Kali Linux a few times on the site but if you don’t know what Kali Linux is. Here’s a refresher course, Kali Linux is a Debian-based…
A week ago or so xmaxkatsu revealed Puzzle Scape was exploitable and now qwikrazor has just released VHBL for Puzzle Scape!! I’m surprised that qwikrazor87 didn’t give up on this…
Mr. Gas is back at it, this time he going to show you that he can dump Vita cartridges and successfully play them. Mr. Gas has really been knocking them…
Gateway ultra 3.4 released.!! Have they gotten passed the new anti piracy checks? As most of us seen Smealum tweet that he put out about these new antipiracy checks..…
Earlier this month developer smoke showed us Rejuvenate (UVLoader) for PSM Unity working on the PlayStation TV. Well to day is the day that we all have been looking forward…
The first deal is just for us to share with all of you. If you use this coupon code “MUSOU420SLICEIT” will receive $5 discount on the purchase of Samurai Warriors…
While I was combing though github this neat little program PortDog caught my attention. PortDog is a detector aimed to detect port scanning. So what the hell is port scanning?…
Everyone has been waiting for these files to run the homebrew launcher on Ironhax. Also there’s been a rumor going around ” saying you will need this game or that…
Today is a great day to have rejuvenate on your PSVita, as developer Smoke has released a updated version of NESVita. Let’s review Smokes first release of NESVita for rejuvenate.…
Ratalaika Games is proud to present a short mockup teaser trailer showing the progress and graphics rework of Legends of Yore: Remastered. They are remaking the whole graphics aspect of…
A few days ago there was a lot of drama going on with FW files and TV out for the PSVita. Well today Mr. Gas has reveal actual FW files…