PSXITARCH a Linux Distro for the PS4 with FW4.05, 4.55, or 5.05!!

Let me start off by saying, I love when I’m wrong, just a week ago I figured Linux on the PS4 was always going to be incomplete and just accept what the PS4 has for now. Then bam, a big slap in the face and I love it.  Thanks to the guy’s over at and everyone involved, we now have a super lite and usable distro for the PS4 plus it’s user-friendly to install. 🙂

This distro is based on Archlinux and was design to be very lightweight OS that won’t use up too many resources and it includes the graphics drivers (radeon drm, radeonsi). Now there is some bad news with this release the PS4 pro won’t be able to use the 3D hardware and the HDMI sound does not work at all for right now. Now there are a few ways around this issue with a USB sound card, using the DS4 controller, Bluetooth speakers or headphones. Also, the Wifi or Bluetooth can act buggy and it’s unclear why it does it but it has nothing to do with the version model of the PS4.

With this release, it’s using kernel 4.14.14 and supports Bluetooth, Wifi, USB, and sound cards. Plus it has some pre-installed apps I think everyone will enjoy. To get the best result use USB 3.0 but 2.0 isn’t bad, it just takes a little bit longer to install but every USB device can vary from device to device.

This is only for PS4’s with FW 4.05, 4.55, 5.01, or 5.05 for now.. 😉


Window manager: jwm
Terminals: lxterminal, xterm
Web Browser: midori
Network Manager: wicd
File manager: pcmanfm
Emulators / Games: steam, retroarch (MULTI EMU), mupen64plus (N64), snes9x (SNES), epsxe (PSX), ppsspp ( PSP)
Utilities: playonlinux (Gui for wine), leafpad (Text editor), htop (System monitor), xreader (PDF viewer), xarchiver (Archive manager), blueman (Bluetooth manager)
Multimedia: gpicview (Img viewer), xnoise (Audio / video player)
Plus More…

The rest of this has been translated by google since is an Italian site some of this may be miss translated.


  • If you have installed a new program and want to make it appear in the main menu go in Jwm Configand selectAggiorna Menu
  • If you want to start Steam use the voice Steam (Native), only if a game does not work use Steam (Runtime).
  • In Retroarch you will find only a few preinstalled cores (mame, genesis, turbograf and nes), you can install others by starting a retroarch and going to  Online Updaterdownload cores. Some cores may require bios to function properly, copy them into  /home/psxita/.config/retroarch/bios.
  • For those who ask, we have not included dolphin-emu in the distro because the recent versions in the repo and git do not work properly on PS4. We have compiled an old version and it seems to work with a simple “workaround” (you have to start dolphin together with glxgears), if you are desperate propio we can let you have it.
  • Kodi, has not been included in the distro for reasons of space, but you can easily install it and it should work without any modification.


Psxitarch supports all PS4 models except PS4 PRO.
On PS4 PRO the 3D hardware acceleration does not work, you will be relegated to that software, the reason you can find it here:



    • A USB device (better if 3.0) formatted in FAT32 of a size not less than 12GB
    • USB hub (optional)
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • The payload to start Linux: Download for fw 4.55 – Download for fw 4.05
    • Download for FW 5.01/5.05
    • The bzImage (kernel): Download  md5: 85d3a15a22380591f5519122f436c7ba
    • The initramfs: Download  md5: a3e4d2e6a15fea750ed4e8cccacfa112
    • The psxitarch.tar.xz file (the distro): Download  md5: 26bae18ccc2e2173109a7fd954657c08

The USB device that you will use will be completely formatted, all the data will be deleted !!

  1. Copy the initramfs, the bzImage, and the psxitarch.tar.xz file to the root of the USB device
  2. Connect the USB device to the PS4, if you have connected other USB devices disconnect them (you must have only one USB device connected)
  3. Start the exploit
  4. Start the payload
  5. Wait a few seconds, the screen should go black and then the rescushell screen will appear
  6. Connect the keyboard, write:  exec (the keyboard layout is set to the US, to write the dash you have to use the key
  7. Wait until the distro is installed (you should see a long list of files that are copied to the USB), the installation time varies from USB to USB (if you are crazy enough to install the distro on USB 2.0 it should take about 25 minutes)
  8. After the installation, the distro should start by itself and show you the login screen, if you do not start to write exec (from the next restart the distro should start alone, you will not have to write anything)
  9. On the login screen, enter your username psxitaand passwordchangeit
  10. Enjoy


PS4 Exploits/Payload files for FW5.05 & FW4.55

About hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.

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