Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Since PSN access and more importantly the ability to activate your PlayStation Vita is gone (as we reported last week), people are more or less out of luck to run anything on their deactivated devices.

Now yesterday there was an interesting release on the popular spanish forum

The homebrew MLTactivator by MiraLaTijera & Draqen is reported to work and can indeed offline activate a Vita or PlayStationTV.

Although I didn’t want to give this release as much attention on the blog I feel like there are some things to be mentioned due to its popularity. Not to offend anyone but if it sounds too good to be true.. well you get it.

The way this homebrew works is by setting up someone elses account and activation on your device. Looking back, this has been done before with “gamesharing” contents or “activating unlimited devices” and was praised as magical hacks by people you have never heard before. Once again no offense.

Now with MLTactivator the authors clearly stated how it works and it was confirmed by other scene members already. But I still feel like there needs to be a little bit more clarification about the risks coming with it, also due to the homebrew coming in spanish language only.

So here is the deal:

If you are on 3.60 and you are not activated (anymore), you can use MLTactivator, BUT

  • Never ever go online afterward as this will most probably result in an instant-ban!
  • Also, all your previous content will no longer work as it is tied to your account!
  • It was also reported that the app might automatically format your memory card in some cases!
  • and lastly the homebrew is closed source and we don’t exactly know what else it might do!

So with that in mind, use on your own risk!


And for those of you that are still activated:

Once again, BACK UP your tm0:/npdrm/act.dat to always be able to manually reactivate your device in case you are auto-deactivated by Sony!!!


Thanks for your time

Source: daxhordes

By Freakler

Moin! Occasional programmer, number 2 here at & creator of the PlayStationGuide. I mainly talk about console-hacking related stuff..