Square Enix: The World Ends With You: Solo Remix is back in the app store
Just a few months ago, Square Enix removed The World Ends With You: Solo Remix from the App store after a bug made it incompatible with iOS 8. They said…
Just a few months ago, Square Enix removed The World Ends With You: Solo Remix from the App store after a bug made it incompatible with iOS 8. They said…
It’s that time of the week where you give your hard earned strange coins to the mysterious Xur: Agent of the Nine. Those of you unfamiliar with Xur or perhaps…
Bungie came under heavy criticism this week with regards to the purchase of Destiny: The Taken King’s Collector’s Edition and how some in-game items would only available in said edition.…
The PSVita native scene is just lighting up, as today Yosh ported over Coldbird’s Shell for the PSVita to Rejuvenate (aka uvloader). Now the menu is not 100% done and…
Today is the 24th anniversary of Sonic the hedgehog and to celebrate it Sega is having a Sonic’s birthday sale on PSN. So get you PlayStation wallets ready for some…
The latest firmware update, 3.52, just came out for the PSVita/PSTV. Seemingly, it was released to block the new PSVita exploit “Rejuvenate” as Sony has pull the plug on PSM…
Yesterday we got to see Xerpi’s sample Homebrew for the PSVita and today Xerpi has ported his CHIP-8 emulator for the 3DS to the Vita, seen in the tweet below…
Just this Saturday yifanlu released his UVLoader exploit “REJUVENATE” for the PSVita, in hopes of speeding up development on the SDK. Decided that open sdk is not happening fast enough.…
Sony have announced ‘The Ultimate Player Edition’ for Europe, in addition to a revised version of the 500GB console which will be launching in Japan at the end of June.…
It’s that time as Yifan Lu just released the PSvita UVloader for public beta release called “Rejuvenate” We know there are going to be a lot of question, but first…
Just recently the PS4 got a media player app and a lot of us were very happy but disappointed at the same time. The new media player app is really…
In all the commotion with E3 you may have missed out on some of the small things like Sony is releasing a 20th Anniversary Playstation 1 themed controller and headset…