PSVita: Filer bubble for FW3.52

Just last weekend qwikrazor released his bubble method for FW 3.52 and a lot of people were very happy he did since some people were having a hard time with the birth bubbles. Qwikrazor is always here to help you out and today he has posted this pspfiler bubble for everyone to use. pspfiler

If you want to make other pboot.pbp homebrew bubbles we have a how to create and install a PBOOT.PBP homebrew bubble on our guide here. Qwikrazor bubble method is very simple to do and use compared to the rebirth bubbles. Not all homebrew will work with this method and if it needs kernel privileges this will not work, also this can’t be used to sign ISOs.

Here what he had to say about this filer bubble.

This is just a homebrew loader which loads unsigned homebrew DATA.PSP placed as DATA.PSAR in PBOOT.PBP.
You can use this to run other homebrew too.

1. Use your favorite eboot packer/unpacker to unpack the EBOOT.PBP of your homebrew.
2. Rename DATA.PSP from homebrew to DATA.PSAR.
3. Unpack included PBOOT.PBP and delete DATA.PSAR.
4. Place DATA.PSAR from homebrew to the folder with the unpacked PBOOT.PBP.
5. You can also change ICON0.PNG and update title in PARAM.SFO, etc..
6. Once that’s all done, repack PBOOT.PBP with the new DATA.PSAR (DATA.PSP from homebrew).
7. Use ARK or MajorGas trick to copy PBOOT.PBP to the game folder that you want to use as a base.
For example, if you want to use Pool Hall Pro as the base, place PBOOT.PBP here:
or if using MajorGas trick, use this path:
8. After you install the PBOOT.PBP, use Content Manager to backup the Pool Hall Pro game (not savedata) to your PC, then put it back on Vita.
You should now see the bubble in the Live Area where the base game was previously.

Now if you need any help with this please visit our guide on how to create and install a PBOOT.PBP homebrew bubbles here.

Download: Filer bubble for 3.3X and lower (loader has patches specific for this firmware and lower).

Download:  Filer bubble for 3.3X and lower v2, should fix the issue with renaming EBOOT.PBP and PBOOT.PBP (this is for 3.3X and lower).

Let’s not forget to thank qwikrazor87 as this wouldn’t be possible, to enjoy these easy to use bubbles. You can donate to him via pay pals here every little bit show how much we enjoy his work.

About hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.

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  1. seems it’s not easy to me

    when i open th PBOOT with the pbp unpacker i get already all the files to needs, so i placed the pboot directly to my base game but at least is not working.

  2. Can we use this for TN-V11??? for 3.52??

  3. psp filer are not working for me red screen i just put the pboot on my basegame

  4. i just want for it lol i have ark

  5. i got the red screen in the first, but after the fixed is now work perfect. thanks guys.

  6. There is no download link for 3.52

  7. hey guys there is much easier way to do this download the homebrew loader for TNV 11 it creates bubbles for your homebrew from TNV so just blow any homebrew u want into a bubble then open up the FTP and copy the EBOOT.PBP from the SCE folder that was created by bubble blower and place it any game u r using as base, then just copy the game tp pc and back.

  8. I already used the base game of Pool Hall Pro for the ARK, but i want to do this with Petz Saddle Club game to have another bubble. Do you have the list of the PKG files so that i can download it and retrieve the Eboot. I cannot use FTP