A few month ago during the PlayStation Experience I was introduced to a game called Project Root from Reverb Triple XP and I immediately wanted it. So what kind of game is Project Root? It’s a free-roaming game that takes on the classic top-down shooter with a free camera system so you can take on each level in a different way.

In this top down shooter you get two main guns… one for ground targets and the other for flying targets. You can also pick up several powerful limited weapons and defensive elements like rockets, homing missiles, shields, flares and more. When finishing each level you can upgrade your weapons. It has 8 open worlds so you can move freely to complete the primary, secondary and hidden bonus missions in each level.

Project Root great game play and hours of fun for your PS4 or PSVita. Whether you’re playing this game on the PS4 or PSVita you will get the same great experience and game play. This a great title to have on your PS4 or PSVita and I would highly recommend it for any type of gamer out there.
It will be available for the PS4 and PSVita and will also be cross buy. 🙂 I also heard that Reverb Triple XP has a surprise for PS Plus users when the game gets released on April 28th. It is currently not supported by the PSTV but I have heard they’re looking into that so keep your fingers crossed!
Here are a few screenshots and a video of the game in action on the PS4 and PSVita.
PS4 Screenshots

PSVita Screenshots

PS4 Gameplay