REICAST the Dreamcast Emulator for Android
Recently, I been using REICAST from the play store, and I got to say it’s running smooth. So what is reicast it is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator. The project is…
Recently, I been using REICAST from the play store, and I got to say it’s running smooth. So what is reicast it is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator. The project is…
Well we have a new exploit for firmware 3.10, 3.12, & 3.15 thanks too 173210. It is for PawaPuro Pennant 2012 NOT 2013. Now this is just for VHBL and…
You probably already heard the news about, Total_Noob leaving the PSP and PS Vita scene. It’s time for him to move on and focus on other things. Total_Noob has gave…
Total_Noob has just updated TN-V to TN-V8. He has added a few fixes like NoDRM crash in Firmware below 1.80 and has fixed the bug where pspfiler didn’t work without…
Well, it is yet another sad day in the Vita scene. A day that may be remembered as the ‘death of the ninja release.’ If you haven’t heard, the PSP…
Here Coldbird explains why sound is so hard to get working on Custom Emulation Firmware (TN-V). You can see that he has sound working in the video below, but it’s…
“The Raspberry Pi has been around for two years now, and still there’s little the hardware hacker can actually do with the integrated GPU. That just changed, as the Raspberry…
Total_Noob has released, his savestate plugin for his masterpiece TN-V. So if you’re unfamiliar with the savestate plugin, it allows you to save your whole game and load it anytime…
RetroPie Guide! Let’s get right to it, the first thing is you need to do is Download: RetroPie Project SD card Image. Next you need to use Winburn to write…
What is the PlayStop Network it is a homebrew version of PSN. It allows you to download VHBL and CEF (TN-V) Homebrew, Emulators and Application, that ready to be transferred…