It’s Here: GoldHEN v2.4b17 for PS4 11.00
You likely want to get to brass tax. If so, the link is at the bottom in big, bold letters! In between is more information if you should need it!…
You likely want to get to brass tax. If so, the link is at the bottom in big, bold letters! In between is more information if you should need it!…
I think this is the first time that I’m reviewing a console shell. I know I’ve covered plenty of handheld shells, and there are likely more to come, but this…
I’ve had a month with the titles in this remastered collection and I’m finally ready to talk about them. Especially after the chaos that is happening with their other remastered…
I’ve been covering Planet Comicon for years and years now. Each year somehow feels better than the last (with a couple of years being the exception), but this year was…
In a first for our little site out in this distant corner of the world wide web, we’re going to cover the PRODIGY from Behar Bros. We’re going to attempt…
Today we’re going back to the early 2000’s to the days of The Rock introducing a console and looking tough while doing it. The console I’m talking about? The Microsoft…
A new way to mod the original XBOX. That means no more worrying about buying exploit games. No more worrying about if your disc drive is functional. No more worrying…
It’s been quite a long time since I’ve covered anything from Rocker Gaming, but him and I met up and talked about some of his newest products. I’m excited to…
This review is over yet another release from Retro-Bit and partners. We’re going to talk about what all comes in the set as well as my thoughts on the gameplay.…
Welcome to February 2024 dear readers. You’re finally going to get that review of El Viento that I promised 2 weeks back (sorry about that). Let’s dig in, shall we?…
Welcome to February 2024 dear readers. It’s time to delve into the review that I promoted a couple weeks back, and that game is Sol-Deace! Description: In the third millennium,…
This article is part two of a two part review. I’m covering both of 8bitmod’s newest MemCard PROs and you can find part one here. You may find it to…