How to Root & get Apk Files on the $17 Android GameStick
Great news, my friends, believe it or not, Playjam has freed the GameSticks!! They opened away to convert our “consumer” GameSticks to what they call the “developer” GameStick in a…
Great news, my friends, believe it or not, Playjam has freed the GameSticks!! They opened away to convert our “consumer” GameSticks to what they call the “developer” GameStick in a…
I haven’t been payed much attention to the micro Android console’s world lately, but this Game Stick caught my eye, because it was priced at $16.98. I remeber at one…
It’s been a busy week for all of us and here are a few highlights that happen this week.. Sony PS4 Remote Play Ported to All Android Devices I’m pretty…
The psp emulator for android has got a big update and this time it has made some big in improvement. I would still recommend that your device is rooted and…
Well everyone we finally decide to make are own app. So you’ll never miss out on the latest news headlines again. This is are all in one app, for Hackinformer.…
Recently, I been using REICAST from the play store, and I got to say it’s running smooth. So what is reicast it is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator. The project is…
Well it looks like Google is working on yet another TV product dubbed Android TV, the Verge reported Saturday. Android TV will be a simpler interface than its predecessor Google…
Looking back through the GameStick news and the word delay seems to be a frequent occurrence. And well, having said that, it looks like the GameStick is suffering yet another…