Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
week in review

Hello everybody! It’s that time again… Time for the week in review. I will be your guide through this past week related to our site and things around the net that we found would be useful and informative for you.

Playstation Mobile

This week there’s been a lot of talk about the upcoming end of PSM (PlayStation Mobile) and what that means to you as a gamer. Also, it seems that there are things in the works to assist you in developing, while you still can, for the platform. Some of you have even been having trouble getting approved for your license well ss4gogeta069 has some info for you here.

Read more here,


This Week Sony also decided to pull out the new firmware update which brings us up to 3.51fw. They patched a few exploits we were using for 3.50, but for those of us who have not updated, there is hope! The Vita update blocker, at the time of this post, is still working and it will allow you to transfer things that you need and also download from the PSN store.


This week also brought about news of something we haven’t seen in roughly 25 years!

The Nintendo World Championships are coming back and if you’re like me then you’re kind of excited because the inner kid in you remembers how he missed it in 1990.

read more here.


Also, I had the privilege of talking with sora6645 and he answered some questions about his Kingdom Hearts patches. He also gave us some interesting insight as to what it is he has done.

read more here.


Here are some more stories you should definitely take a second look at.










Also this week, we got the the run down on the L2-R2 Grip for Ps Vita and lets just say this is something you should not over look! It will make all of your PS1 playing that much more fun to say the least and, thanks to our good buddy darkamon, we have a review for you right here.


Hackinformer also brought us some awesome news on C.H.I.P. Now you might be saying what is  C.H.I.P. and why would i want one? Well, it’s a new microcomputer that’s very small and very inexpensive. It’s a Linux-based, super-cheap computer that’s described as being “built for work, play and everything in between!”

you can read the rest of this here.

I would like to take this time to remind you all that we have the best apparel and you can find just what you need right here in the shop  so stop in, get a shirt and show your support for us.

Don’t forget to check out our forums and make a post or two, jump in on a contest or just see whats up!

As always thanks for reading and you can always find me on twitter @riddle43


By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.