Attention Playstation TV lovers – Hacking News!!
As most of you know the Playstation TV has been left out of the native hack due to a lack of a USB port. Well, that may be resolved. It…
As most of you know the Playstation TV has been left out of the native hack due to a lack of a USB port. Well, that may be resolved. It…
Hiya Kiddies! heleius here with an important public service announcement. If you are at all interested in the Yifan Lu’s Rejuvenate hack, DO NOT UPDATE YOUR PS VITA TO 3.52!…
Just this Saturday yifanlu released his UVLoader exploit “REJUVENATE” for the PSVita, in hopes of speeding up development on the SDK. Decided that open sdk is not happening fast enough.…
Remember: This is still a beta release and only for those of you who were able to obtain a publisher’s license in time (whose application was approved by Sony before…