/ / 3.60 |
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PlayStation Vita with 3.60 Firmware · Downgrading possible: Yes · Homebrew possible: Yes · Game Backups possible: Yes · Custom Firmware available: Yes (Enso) · ePSP hacks available: Yes (VHBL & eCFW) |
Result: This is currently the best 'golden' firmware to be on!
Our suggestion: Install the Enso Custom Firmware and enjoy all its perks!
Regarding the available hacks & tricks, there is no big difference between all models of the Vita including the PSTV. But when talking about hacks for the Vita we need to differenciate between the native and ePSP (emulated PSP) part.
Well so much for the intro, if you found your way here you most probably just got yourself a Vita and want to know what you can do and how to install it. Lets simply start with what is available for this particular firmware then:
HENkaku (Homebrew Enabler)
HENkaku is the first ever homebrew enabler for PS Vita and PSTV. It is akin to jailbreaking your iPhone or rooting your Android device. Homebrew are games and other software not officially approved. For example, VitaDoom is a port of the classic game DOOM and mGBA lets you play GameBoy Advanced ROMs. You can find more examples in the showcase. Best of all, HENkaku is 100% free. No cost. No ads. No "donations".
Via a Webkit exploit the app molecularShell will be installed and HENkaku will open up the system for Homebrews and adding useful options to the official settings app.
![]() Go to official Website |
![]() VitaDB Homebrew Archiv |
HENkaku Enso (Custom Firmware)
HENkaku Enso is the evolution of the HENkaku jailbreak that opened the PS Vita and PSTV to a new universe of customization and user created content. Install it once and your Vita will be permanently hacked--no need to apply it after each reboot.
Just enable HENkaku, install the enso.vpk, launch it, and follow the on-screen instructions.
![]() Official Website |
![]() 3.65 Updater |
Package Installer
The Package Installer is a hidden app present in everyones Vita with which you can install DRM free content like Demos and Apps. There are different known ways to open up this App but all of them make use of calling a support_uri containing the internal TitleID of the Package Installer "NPXS10031".
After Firmware 3.20 Sony added some security instances to URI calls and patched away the useability of the PKG Installer app on retail devices..
- [Tutorial] How to create the PKG Installer Bubble (on all firmwares)
- [Plugin] Unblock the PackageInstaller on HENkaku enabled Vitas
Adrenaline (ePSP Custom Firmware)
Adrenaline is a software that modifies the official PSP Emulator using taiHEN CFW framework to make it run a PSP 6.61 custom firmware. Thanks to the power of taiHEN, Adrenaline can inject custom code into the IPL which allows unsigned code to run at boottime.
Adrenaline (eCFW)
Custom Themes
Since Theme support has been added as of firmware 3.xx custom themes became possible as well. They however had to be manually installed as theme packs until HENkaku opened up the possibility to let homebrews take over that part.
![]() Download & Manager Homebrew (by RedSquirrel) |
![]() to the Theme Database |
Plugins to extend System functions
Download Enabler by TheFlow - Will let you download all types of files via the WebBrowser
NoLED by rereprep - Will disable the LEDs. Helps when playing in the dark or saving battery life.
VFlux by Applelo - Warmer colors so that your eyes won't be stressed that much while playing.
DS3/4 Vita by xerpi - Use DualShock controllers with your Vita system!
NoPSMdrm by fragarcj - Re-enable PSM content and play your regulary bought games again.
ShellSecBat by OperationNT414C - Advanced statusbar infos!
For more check out the: VitaDB database
SD2Vita / PSVSD Adapters
Depending on your Vita Model you can make use of an alternative to the proprietary Sony memory card. While SD2Vita adapters can be inserted into the gamecard slot of each Vita model (including the PSTV) the counterpart PSVSD board will only work for Original Fat Vitas. In the end both can hold a Micro SD card mounted as memory card or extended storage by a seperate plugin!
- [Tutorial] How to set up the SD2Vita adapter (via hackinformer.com)
- [Review/Guide] How to install the PSVSD adapter (via hackinformer.com)
![]() SD2Vita Adapter |
![]() PSVSD board |
Backup Editing
After xyz and proxima investigated more into the f00d processor and its tasks, they 'stumbled' upon a neat trick with which they were basically able to bruteforce the secret key used for backup crypto operations! Of course said key is different for each individual (for each PSN account to be exact) and couldn't just be shared. So you will still need a hacked Vita to first obtain your personal key and this is where yifanlu's tools come in handy.
If you are interested in cryptography and AES-256 rings a bell, you definitely should read yifanlu's blog post where he was kind enough to share the way it was done in every detail. https://yifan.lu/2017/02/19/psvimgtools-decrypt-vita-backups/
Once again, for the more technical interested readers here is the detailed explanation for what each tool does but in the short version we will be able to extract, modify, repack and reinstall backups on every firmware and probably most firmwares to come!
For end users this will once again allow some neat tricks like enabling the whitelist hack for PSTVs, X/O button swapping, ePSP Homebrew, PackageInstaller, Custom Themes and probably even more in the future. Furthermore, and what is interesting for all researchers and exploit hunters out there, this is a great thing as this will allow some new attack points to tamper with regarding the filesystem.
Backup Editing
Mods, Registry Hacks & more
Modifications possible through Apps & Plguins using HENkaku:
![]() Cheats & Trainer |
![]() Custom Fonts |
![]() Savgame Backup/Transfer |
![]() Trophy Editing |
![]() Registry Hacks |
(IDU) Demo Mode
"Classic" ePSP hacks
Exploiting the PSPEmulator has been the main interest and only way to hack a Vita for a very long time until HENkaku brought native Homebrew. But bascially everything that was working at that point and not to mention everything for PSP back in the days is still working and worth checking out! Tons of Homebrews & Emulators are available!
And with HENkaku, installing ePSP hacks has never been easier!
![]() VHBL |
![]() ARK (eCFW) |
![]() Custom ePSP Bubbles |
For a full list of all exploited games check our > ExploitGames Page < here!
File Management & New Content
Since the Vita is one of the securest gaming consoles to date, its already a pain to just maintain your media and savegames on the device as it need an extra program (the Content Manager Assistant) and there is no official USB plug&play solution like you may know from other devices. The scene's answer to that are third-party programms like QCMA with support for older firmwares and advanced options.
If you however are on the right Firmware with Homebrew access, things start to look different! You can either use a FTP connection or USB like in the old days from within VitaShell and manage everthing from there!
To update or not to update
If you love hacking you have to keep in mind that it becomes even more painfull to install and use the available hacks (if available at all) the higher your Vita's firmware is, since Sony is thoroughly preventing any kinds of hacks with their "stability firmware updates".
And thats why there is always the big decision to make on whether to stay on a lower firmware and enjoy the available hacks or get up to date with the latest firmware to legitimately access the PSN store, online services and being able to play the latest games.
(Depending on firmware and available hacks all this might be accessible by spoofing the firmware though!)
If you decide to not update, our Older Firmware Survival Guide might be the first place you want to check out.