Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

unc0ver has come a long way as a jailbreak for iDevices running up to iOS 13.3. Recently we’ve seen the release of unc0ver 4.2.1 after several smaller updates. After 4.2.0 we were informed that 4.3.0 would be coming out but that it would require lots of testing first. Basically, we had to wait to make sure that all of the bugs were ironed out. Today, we finally saw that release. However, there appeared to be a github bug that somehow caused some issues. 4.3.1 is now officially out and it’s almost a requirement that you update to it.

About unc0ver (quotes from unc0ver’s site):

‘unc0ver is a jailbreak, which means that you can have the freedom to do whatever you would like to do to your iOS device. Allowing you to change what you want and operate within your purview, unc0ver unlocks the true power of your iDevice. unc0ver supports iOS 11.0 through to iOS 13.3 with system-wide tweak injection (compatibility depends on your device). Utilizing the latest stable APT and Mobile Substrate, stability is guaranteed. 

What’s new in 4.3.1:

‘Bumped version to 4.3.1 due to a github bug causing an older file to be temporarily available

– Add support for rebooting the userspace for the first time in a jailbreak

– Add support for injecting to the entire userspace

– Add support for looking up or registering services from the sandbox with the cy: prefix for developers

– Reboot the userspace after jailbreaking

– Make major design changes to preserve stock system performance

– Fix random reboots, freezes, memory issues and any known problem that affected system services or apps

– Fix persistent software update blocker on iOS 13 (Works in the jailed state too)

– Fix a design problem that affected the Succession restore tool

– Automatically re-enable software updates when restoring RootFS’

Need installation instructions?

Click here to find the current instructions for installing unc0ver. This will work on all 4.x.x versions of unc0ver. So don’t feel concerned when you go to the instructions page and see it says an older version of unc0ver. This is just fine and you’re okay to use it.

If you like the author’s work, follow him on Twitter @V1RACY and don’t forget to enter the weekly giveaways!

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