Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Al-Azif has been testing this new method of auto cache generation with the PS4’s web browser for a few days now and its all thanks to a comment on GitHub that got all of our attention.Offline Installer

Al-Azif and CelesteBlue123 have already been playing around with this new method and if you use Al-Azif DNS host it already does the auto cache generation for you. If you are using Al-Azif DNS host ( and just load the firmware selection through the PS4 web browser once and all the exploits will be saved to the PS4.

The same goes for any of the other version of PS4 exploit host, just download the version you need for your PC. Go through all the same steps of unzipping it and launching PS4 exploit host then load the firmware selection through the PS4 web browser once and all the exploits will be saved to your PS4, you can now disconnect from the internet, it’s that simple.

Release notes:

  • 5.05/5.07 enabled by default
  • 5.05 payloads/exploits included
  • Fixed network test
  • Fixed updater
  • RPi issue fixed by @Vadammt
  • Removed 4.05 spoofed UA in settings.json and default theme’s script.js (Even less reason to be on 4.05 now
  • Added hash to manifest
  • Added offline HTML5 cache option to settings (Enabled by default) by @ps4miner
  • Update for ver 0.4.5: Fixed issue with cache manifest generation

Download: ps4-exploit-host-v0.4.5


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.