Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

In this time of waiting for the 10.3 iOS jailbreak or even a jailbreak for the iOS 11 beta, we have to fill our time with hacks and tweaks on the currently available iOS 10 jailbreak. I figured that each week we could bring you all some of the newest, hottest tweaks available for iOS 10. To clarify, this doesn’t mean that the tweaks won’t be compatible for our brothers and sisters on lower firmware jailbreaks, it just means that will at least work on iOS10 and that will be our focal point for these weekly roundups.

Like I was saying, there is still no word on a 10.3 jailbreak (other than the one that the Yalu team is presumably has tucked away for safe keeping). However, there is an iOS 11 jailbreak potentially coming. We reported on it a few weeks back, if you want to read it, simply click here.

SurpriseSelfie (via BigBoss Repo/$1.00)

We already have jailbreak tweaks aplenty that take a picture of someone if they have stolen your phone. But that is definitely more boring than missing an opportunity to troll them simultaneously. SurpriseSelfie does just that. So if a person at work took your phone to try to look at your more risque photos it actually replaces every photo on the phone with the picture of the person’s selfie. Or that’s what they see in place of your photos anyway. Your originals should be safe and sound, of course.

Vigor (via BigBoss Repo/$1.99)

With Vigor, you can now get to see a glimpse of app specific info as well as app notifications right from within said app’s icon. This is ultra useful for people are more the quick glance type versus those of us who need details and we need them now! But seriously, Vigor is worth your money as it removes the whole purpose of opening some of your apps. Like weather, if all you care about is temp, you can see it right on the home screen.

ZenX (via ModMyI Repo/Free)

ZenX is a clutter reducing tweak. You can fully customize your home and lock screens to reflect less information. It’s definitely in existance because there are some people out there that believe that less is more. And this is for those people. Of course, if you aren’t one of those people, it is free, so it’s still worth trying!

FacebookUICustomizer (via BigBoss Repo/Free)

Hey, so, are you tired of seeing the same blue app every time that you drop into Facebook? I know I am! Seriously. Not kidding. It’s about time that FacebookUICustomizer got here and let us mess with the way that Facebook looks. We see the damn app almost every single hour, shouldn’t we be allowed to tweak it? MySpace used to let us, Xanga used to let us, Twitter lets us. Now it’s time we got Facebook to do the same.

Centered Date (via BigBoss Repo/Free)

This one is short and sweet. It just centers the date on your Search screen. It may do it on the lock screen as well, that I am unsure of, but it’s free so find out for yourself ;).

TransparNC (via BigBoss Repo/Free)

This is a tweak that gets rid of the background on banners. As you can see in the picture below TransparNC makes the Notification Center look so much better and cleaner. The only strange part is that the word “Now” on the right seems like they’re disembodied and just floating on their own, unrelated to anything else.

WhoMadeIt (via BigBoss Repo/Free)

WhoMadeIt is a tweak that at its core is simple. But when you think about it, it’s brilliant. WhoMadeIt shows you the authoring repo of it so if you’re looking to update it or find others from the same place, you know where to go much easier. It basically removes any kind of struggle that you may have had to go through, even if it was small.

ForceTouchSwitcher (via BigBoss Repo/Free)

For the first time ever, I’m just going to use the developer’s explanation because I couldn’t have said it any better.

Compatible with iOS 9 and 10. Tested on iPhones 7, 6S Plus with iOS 10.1.1 and 6S with iOS 9.3.3.

ForceTouchSwitcher gives you visual and useful/functional options for disabling or for extending the Switcher on the 3D Touch Gestures.

The Tweak is the porting of my Tweak OrbGestures hosted on my Repository.

Feel free to contact me via Mail or via Twitter @CydiaGeek, enjoy it, thanks! 🙂

Configure options from Settings.

Credits and Testers are on Preferences Panel.

If you’re on iOS 10.0.x or 10.1.1 with an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus and you want instructions on how to jailbreak, click here.

If you’re on iOS 10.2 with an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus and you want instructions on how to jailbreak, click here.

Stay tuned here on Hackinformer.com for all things Apple and follow us on Twitter @Hackinformer

If you like the author, you can also follow him on Twitter @V1RACY