Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

Today the Nintendo Switch received a new update to version 4.0 and this one brings a few new features to the systems but its still missing some type of game save backup system. Hopefully, we will see some type of backup system for the Nintendo Switch digital games & game saves sooner than later as we tried cloning the memory card with some mixed results and you can read more about it here. 

This new update brings user profile and game save transfers to another Switch system but that it, nothing beyond that for game saves. This update does bring a few new things to the switch but still not what a lot of users wanted especially this new feature that caught my eye, it will “match the software version with a group of local users” here’s how this feature works.

  • To create a group, head to the software’s Options > Software Update > Match Version with Local Users
  • Everyone’s software will be updated to match the most recent version in the group
  • All users must be on system menu version 4.0.0 or later to view and join a group

Improvements Included in Version 4.0.0

Added the following system functionality

  • Capture video on select games
    • To capture video, hold down the Capture Button during gameplay
    • Up to a maximum of the previous 30 seconds will be saved in the Album. You can trim the beginning and end of each clip, and post to Facebook and Twitter.
    • As of October 18th, 2017, this feature is compatible with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, ARMS, and Splatoon 2
  • Select from 12 new Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild icons for your user
    • To edit your user icon, head to your My Page on the top left of the Home Menu > Profile
  • Transfer user and save data to another system
  • Pre-purchase option on Nintendo eShop
    • A pre-purchase option will be available for certain games. This option allows pre-load of the game to your system for quicker play when the game is released.
    • This feature will be supported by future game releases
  • News channel updates
    • The news feed has been updated with a new look.
    • Unfollowing a channel will remove that channel’s content from the news feed and following the channel again will make it reappear.
  • Match software version with a group of local users
    • To create a group, head to the software’s Options > Software Update > Match Version with Local Users
    • Everyone’s software will be updated to match the most recent version in the group
    • All users must be on system menu version 4.0.0 or later to view and join a group

General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience, including:

  • Changed the specification which hid wireless networks using TKIP security from the network search results. Wireless networks using TKIP security will now display in search results as a grayed-out selection instead of not being displayed
    • The Nintendo Switch console supports WEP, WPA-PSK(AES), and WPA2-PSK(AES). If your router is using a different security type (e.g. WPA-PSK(TKIP)), you will need to change this security type within your router’s settings.
Nintendo has done some unique things in the past but this time it seems they are trying to step up their level of security and making sure everyone updates to FW4.0 even in local user setting aka LAN parties, no getting around this update. The Capture video on select games feature is ok but still not what most users wanted.

On another note, even the Joy-cons are getting updated. Just go into settings and go to controllers & sensors and hit update controllers and it will start to update each joy con for what reason, I have no idea why as there’s nothing in any changelog. If you find a changelog for the new joy con update posted in the comments below as we couldn’t find any at the moment. Like always if you are waiting on some type of public exploit for the Nintendo Switch it’s best to stay on lower firmware for now and do not update but I know with the new Super Mario Odyssey game coming out this month a lot of people will be tempted to update.

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.