Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

It is no secret that the Nintendo Switch is probably my favorite gaming device. With the convenience of home console gaming and on-the-go gaming, the Nintendo Switch is a brilliant device. However, playing with the Switch, I had to reminisce about the old days where we had a “GameShark” to cheat at some games, or rather get a boost. Thanks to an opportunity, I had a chance to check out Collective Minds’ Switch Up, which is not only a modern-day Gameshark (for some games), but also a Bluetooth adapter.  Check out my impressions below:


So full disclosure, due to personal life circumstances I only have a Nintendo Switch Lite at this moment. I thought this device would not work with my device, however, I was quickly proved wrong. With the combination of a dock, or kickstand case and the Switch Up, I can pair basically any controller to my Switch via Bluetooth. This is done by updating your device and looking up the appropriate paring method in the manual. I have linked Collective Minds’ Switch Up website here. From here, You can update your Switch Up (Highly recommended), and see how to pair your favorite controller via Bluetooth to your Nintendo Switch.

This was actually pretty unexpected and cool. I was able to pair my Playstation 5 controller to my Nintendo Switch and play any game with it with a matter of a few button presses. There are several different types of controllers you can pair with your Switch, thanks to the Switch Up. This isn’t the only thing to refer to the manual for. There is a number of games that Collective Minds Switch Up can be used on, to act like a modern-day “GameShark”. Players just need to enter the code from the manual and they are good to go. This helped immensely in games like Pokemon Shield. There are several different cheats in each game that can help players a long way.

Collective Minds’ Switch Up is a fantastic device, I only have one con. There should be more games compatible with it. I am hoping with more firmware updates, more games will become available with it. Outside of this con, the Switch Up is the modern day GameShark with an added bonus. I recommend it to anyone who wants to get a file, or wants a bluetooth adapter with no latency lag issues.

Until next time, mgs2master2 out!

By Mgs2master2

A gamer and jack of all trades. I enjoy many things, but overall just enjoying life. Hopefully, I can add enjoyment to your life through my articles or interactions.