Sakura Wars – Preview


In the current wave of video games, sometimes some hidden gems sneak in that onslaught. One such game may be the upcoming Sakura Wars from Sega. Thanks to the fine folks over at Sega USA, I got some hands-on time to give with the game to provide some initial thoughts and impressions before the release.



First initial thoughts of the game, Sakura Wars is VERY ANIME. Nearly every aspect of the game screams anime as got time with Sakura Wars. From the gameplay to the social interaction, to the cutscenes, and everything in between, almost everything is done with some sort of an anime feel. I know that description may not be ideal for readers, but hear me out. While the game feels very anime (at times plays just like how it would as if was an anime), it is done rather well. It feels as if the player is in the anime and takes the role of the main protagonist Seijuro Kamiyama.


The game has adventure mode, a battle mode, and card games. It is an impressive mixture, and in all aspects, you feel the charm and of the game in it as well. Adventure mode is the story mode. You get a feel for the world, the characters, have the interactions, and explore as the story fleshes out. Battle mode is the battle aspect of the game. This battle aspect is very bare-bones Dynasty Warriors. While it’s part of the story as well, it isn’t the general focus. The card game is Koi-Koi, which I found myself immersed in the game.

Sega is advertising Sakura Wars as a soft reboot to the franchise. As a first-timer to the franchise (introduced in Project X Zone), it seems so far to be a good starting point. While there are small references here and there to past characters (I assume), nothing impactful to the story thus far. A nice bonus, too, as of this writing, the 1.01 update went live, which fixed a considerable amount of issues I initially had.

I look forward to continuing my adventure so far in this game and writing up my final thoughts. So far, it has been very anime, but an enjoyable anime that you would like to binge-watch. Even the “filter arcs” are pleasant to experience. The game also has a dating sim/relationships aspect as well. With a goofy cast of characters that all bring their charms to the table, Sakura Wars so far has brought a unique experience.

Look forward to my final thoughts in our review in the upcoming week. Until then, Mgs2master2 out!

About Mgs2master2

A gamer and jack of all trades. I enjoy many things, but overall just enjoying life. Hopefully, I can add enjoyment to your life through my articles or interactions.

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