Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Well, here we are; another firmware release from Nintendo and another update for SX OS. This cat and mouse of Nintendo and hackers feel like back in the day with Sony and hackers. Ultimately one will win in the long run, but in the meantime, we still have support for our SX dongles! Read on and see what there is to see.

2.8 Announcement:

“We are back with another update for SX OS. As you all probably know, one of our main priorities is making sure existing users are able to keep enjoying SX OS.

This update brings full compatibility for the recent firmware update 8.1.0.

Nothing more, nothing less. We have some very cool features lined up that are not quite ready for primetime yet. And we didn’t want to keep you waiting till next september either.

So what are you waiting for? SX OS 2.8 beta is available for download on our website now! (and through the builtin online updater part of SX OS, of course)”


Where to Buy:

Want to buy an SX Gear? The best current place to buy in the US, and generally has sales pretty often is from Mod3DSCard’s site. If you need an SX Core or SX Lite, their site may have some. But in the US, they’re a bit harder to find.


  1. Download the latest SX OS beta boot.dat file from xecuter.
  2. Insert your Switch’s microSD card into your computer.
  3. Drag and drop boot.dat file to the microSD card. If you have an old boot.dat file, let this overwrite it. If you’re a new SX OS user, this just sits on the root.
  4. Return your microSD card to your Switch and use it how you always have.
  5. Boot the system using the SX Pro dongle or the payload injection method as you always have.


If you like the author’s work, follow him on Twitter @V1RACY and don’t forget to enter the weekly giveaways!
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