The AceNS is another dongle for the Nintendo Switch. That can launch payloads to load CFW like ReiNX, atmosphere, and even SX OS. The more of these that are on the market the more affordable they become for everyone.
Plus they always try to make it better than its competitors or give it some type of edge over its competition. With SX OS you’re stuck with a dongle that only boots one payload. They recently changed it but I believe it sucks because of the format they make you use. Next up is the R4s it’s another great dongle but you have a weird format that they use so you have to stick with their stuff until they update it.Now, this is we’re AceNS is very user-friendly. You can store up to six payloads.bin files in it and it already comes with three payloads that are preload on it. If you want to choose a different payload you just tap and hold the button on the dongle and it changes the payload for you it’s that simple.
It comes in a very nice carrying case with one USB Mini cable and one jig for rcm mode. The Jig is a high-quality print and I don’t have to worry about it getting jammed up the pins of the rail as it slides in and out with ease. The dongle is very colorful and lights up when you switch payloads by pressing the button on the dongle.
Now the AceNS does not use any type of battery it uses the same caps the SX OS dongle uses. I was told the new AceNS dongle will have a battery instead of the caps and will be priced at $18.00. It also has a very nice jig and file transfer is very simple as you do not have to convert or change any of the payloads it’s simply drag-and-drop.
I’ve used this on multiple Switches and did not have any issues with it working from 5.10 to 6.0 with all three payloads and the payload tools like biskeydump. If this would have been a battery unit I would have given it a 10 out of 10 but because of the Caps, I can only give it 7 out of 10. But I’ll say it again it’s definitely worth the buy especially because it can hold 6 different payloads and boot each individual one that you pick. Here’s the AceNS dongle in action in the video below.
* Works on all firmware and all version
* Supports payload.bin directly, maximum up to 6 payloads.
* Built-in 3 payloads: ATMOSPHERE,REINX and SX OS, easy to switch by pressing the button.
* Easy Management-It will be immediately recognized as a USB flash drive when connecting to PC
* Good compatibility, supports WINDOWS, MAC OS and LINUX system.
* Firmware updatable
* Supports up to 6 payload.bin
* Way of adding or replacing payload.bin: connect AceNX dongle to your PC with micro USB cable, you can copy and paste payload.bin to update it.
AceNS content
1 x AceNS Dongle
1 x RCM Jig
1 x Micro USB cable
You can find the AceNS dongle for sale at these sites below.
- North America:
- France:…r-les-payloads-atmosphere-reinx-et-sx-os.html
- Germany:
- Spain: