Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

It seems like there always something new popping up for the Nintendo Switch homebrew scene to share and play with.nsp

This time it’s the ability to run Homebrew and Emulators right off the home menu of the Switch. Some of these don’t work that well and either crash or lock up the system. I’d say it still in the testing phase but it’s getting better as the Switch scene has been on fire lately. As of now, it’s said to only work with ReiNX and Atmosphere. It doesn’t work with SX OS but they are looking into it. Below is a quick video of it in action.


The format that these are all installed in is NSP format. We all know those can get you banned real quick and the leaked SDK might have been used to create some of these apps, which makes them illegal to share. But if curiosity killed the cat and happen to find them, always make sure to backup your system before installing anything. Always keep it in plane mode at all times. Especially if you’re going to use any floating around in warez chats on the Net as we don’t recommend it.


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.