Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Remember the good old ePSP days on Vita where you could launch PSP Games and Homebrew straight from the Vitas Livearea? Well even though we got adrenaline we still couldn’t start those games from the Livearea. But this is going to change now thanks to Leecherman’s AdrenalineBubbleBooter.


How to install:
You’ll need to be on Firmware 3.60 with Henkaku and Adrenaline installed
1. Download and extract AdrenalineBubbleBooter. Copy the “adrbblbooter” folder to your PSVita Memory Card (ux0:)

2. Open your config.txt. Add “ux0:adrbblbooter/adrbblbooter.suprx” to your Cloned Game (In my case that’s NPEZ00194).

If you don’t want to see the Adrenaline Start Image just write: “ux0:adrbblbooter/adrbblbooter_nostartdat.suprx”.

3. Restart your Vita or Reload the config.txt in the Henkaku Settings:

4. Go to the “ux0:adrbblbooter/bubblesdb” folder, create a text file and name it after the ID of the Game you want to use to autoboot games. For example, I’m using NPEZ00194 which is one of my Cloned Bubbles. So it would look like this: “ux0:adrbblbooter/bubblesdb/NPEZ00194.txt”. To look up your PSP Game ID just go to ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME and find the game you want to make to an autoboot bubble.

Open the created .txt file in notepad and add the full path to the ISO\CSO\PBP\PSOne game into it (you can change/update the path anytime). The Path needs to be in PSP Format which means it has to look like this for example: “ms0:/PSP/GAME/FILER/EBOOT.PBP” or as in my case: “ms0:/ISO/Persona 3 Portable.iso”.

5. Now just launch the Basegame you used and it should automatically launch the specified Homebrew/PSP Game/ISO or PSOne Game.

This is really great since you can just start PSP Homebrew or Games from the Livearea again. If you want to customize the new Autoboot Bubbles you can use this tool to create PBOOT.PBP’s to change the look of your Bubbles

If you wish to support Leecherman for all his nice little tools you can donate him some money here:

Source: Wololo

By Darthsternie

Interested in everything Technical. Loves self-repairing Tech. Collector of Firmwares. Enthusiast Gamer and Anime Fan ^^