Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Not short after the first release of his Download Enabler plugin Developer TheFlow is back at it again with fixing Stuff in Sonys Browser which made downloading files from https links not functional as well as adding new functions to the plugin.

If you don’t know this plugin yet then you definitely should. This plugin is what everyone has yearned for since the release of Henkaku, to be able to download just about any file straight through the Browser. Normally you could only download Pictures or some Videos to your Vita but now you can download everything just like with a normal browser.

So let’s check what TheFlow fixed with Version 2 and 3 of the Plugin:

Changelog v2

  • Fixed bug in Sony webbrowser where a HEAD request was made instead of a GET request. This also fixed the Cannot download using this system bug.
  • Changed download folder to ux0:download.

Changelog v3

  • Improved code and now files with don’t overwrite existing files anymore, but are saved as filename (X).ext.

So this got you interested and you want to install this Plugin? Well then go on and download the latest release from TheFlow’s GitHub and install it on your Vita.

So here’s a full instruction on how to install this plugin to ux0:


1. Download the plugin and move it to your Vita to ux0:tai
2. Open the config.txt and write “ux0:tai/download_enabler.suprx” to *main without the quotation marks. Your config.txt should look somewhat like this (Just that you’ll write ux0: instead of ur0:):

3. Just reload the config.txt now in Settings and download whatever you want to with your now unlocked Webbrowser

Source: TheFlow


By Darthsternie

Interested in everything Technical. Loves self-repairing Tech. Collector of Firmwares. Enthusiast Gamer and Anime Fan ^^