Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Have you ever wanted to make a robot but we’re lacking the computing power to make it work? Well, Intel’s Euclid development kit has you covered for a near $399!

The Intel Euclid development kit is full of last year’s specs, like a RealSense ZR300 depth camera, an Atom x7-8700 quad-core processor, 4GB of RAM, and 32GB of built-in storage.

In addition to the camera, the system includes motion and location sensors, plus ambient light detection, a barometer, a thermal sensor, a noise-canceling microphone, and a mono speaker.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth built in also a Micro HDMI plug gives you a display while you’re setting it up, and a 2,000mAh battery allows for freedom and mobility.

The system runs Ubuntu 16.04, with ROS (Robot Operating System) and RealSense support preinstalled.

ROS is the standard for robotics tinkerers, and Euclid has most of the brains and sensors you’d need for a robotics project.

Euclid is ready for preorder now. It will start shipping on May 31st so it may be time to build that robot army you’ve been planning.

Thanks for reading and keep doing it for the Love of the Game.



By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.