Wed. Feb 26th, 2025

Earlier today, footage a retail unit of the Nintendo Switch was all over the internet. This is confirmed to be a leaked retail unit. How the unit was obtained is still unknown. However, it is known and confirmed that this comes from very reliable sources. A collaboration between FloKO and hiphoptherobot took place in order to make this possible. Below is some of the leaked footage.

Here is video footage of the unboxing of the unit. This is a mirror link which we have backed up just in case it gets pulled. Thank you FloKO and hiphoptherobot for this footage!

Here is some screenshots of what was found out with experimenting with the unit and how it looks in terms of the HUD and the unit itself.

A few things we can tell from these images. We have avatars, can change the HUD color, and set resolution sizes.

A few more images below that has the mod scene looking at what was revealed already.

What does all this mean? Out of the box the console is at version 1.00. Also there will be a day one system update. Individuals on the mod scene RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT UPDATE DAY ONE. It looks like they will be hitting the ground running right on day one to crack it wide open. There is a recovery/initialize mode to factory reset the unit to some degree. Finally, the OS takes up about 6.1 GB leaving 25.9 GBs free on the unit day one. I advise getting more memory before day one approaches. It could help with any upcoming mods/hacks too 😉

With the Nintendo Switch out and about already, we are to wonder what is next. Time will tell, but it looks like Nintendo will have their hands full already 3 weeks before launch. We will keep an eye on this as it develops.

Til next time, Mgs2master2 out!

By Mgs2master2

A gamer and jack of all trades. I enjoy many things, but overall just enjoying life. Hopefully, I can add enjoyment to your life through my articles or interactions.