Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Yep you can now install Arm9LoaderHax on your n3DS without the hacky downgrade to 2.1 which it was never supposed to run anyway. This will be the same as normal Arm9LoaderHax once installed. This has been made possible by a vulnerability found by Myria, dark_samus, mathieulh (independently), plutoo (independently) + others.3DS Arm9LoaderHax Masterrace

This is only possible on a new 3DS because the old3DS lacks the backup copy of the secret sector needed for this to work. On o3ds you already need to know the OTP to be able to mess with the secret sector. Be aware though that this is still WIP and pre-release software so there is that tiny tiny chance of bricking. To be honest though only 2 bricked n3DS systems are known by now and both have been User Error or they never heard back from them and it’s just as safe as downgrading to 2.1 which the n3DS was never supposed to do. So without further talk let’s get straight to the installation process 😉

n3DS on Firmware 9.2 (If you are on any FW above 9.2 just follow this guide to downgrade)
Access to the 3DS Homebrew Launcher
OTPLess A9LH Installer

1. Download UnSafeA9LHInstaller and extract it. Copy all the files and folders to the root of your 3DS SDCard.
2. Boot the Homebrew Launcher and start UnSafeA9LHInstaller. Press select to install Arm9LoaderHax
3. You’re done ^^ Now you should have arm9loaderhax installed and you can setup Luma3DS or any other preferred 3DS CFW that uses Arm9LoaderHax

Yes, that’s all that’s needed to install Arm9LoaderHax now ^^ That’s like 30 seconds compared to around 6 hours of downgrading, making tons of NAND Backups, biting your nails, hoping that it works and when it finally worked feeling like you’ve walked 3 days straight uphill. Many Thanks to all the devs who made this possible and I hope to see more cool stuff on the 3DS even though I have no idea what could possibly get any better now 😀


Once you are, all set up check out the FEEShop you can get it here. and here


Source: GBATemp, 3DSBrew (Exploit Information)

By Darthsternie

Interested in everything Technical. Loves self-repairing Tech. Collector of Firmwares. Enthusiast Gamer and Anime Fan ^^