Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

I recently Had the privilege of getting an interview with  Pablo Testa, Dogos developer and also Director of OPQAM GAMESTUDIO. The company behind Project Root showing all of us how a true SHUMP should be.maxresdefault

DOGOS that will be released on Sept 6 for PS4 and Sept 7 for XBox One, and PC, is just what you want in an SHUMP. With awesome ships and insane weapons, this game will have you feeling exhilarated from the second you start shooting.

I will be bringing a review of this game soon also you can read my preview of it here on, for now, let’s dive into the mind of an awesome developer and director Pablo Testa.


1. What is your Outlook on Hacks and Mods of Video games ? EG Save hacking, Memory hacking, Mods to change the look of the game?

We are fine with that, change the look or anything, not a problem, if you mean hacking to get cheats is up to the player, we provide
many difficulty levels, so anyone can enjoy the game, for me the game is to be fun, using a cheat, is not fun, but some times it’s nice
to nuke everything, or do crazy things, if the player has a good time is fine, as long as the game is not online and you can’t change other players game.dogos_38


2. For those who find 60fps and 1080p uncomfortable, will other options be provided?
Yes, you can go faster if you GPU is faster, no limits!


3. How well are the physics implemented considering that the game is based in places with varying gravity values?

Well, the game doesn’t have much physics, just a little inertia for player movement. in a SHUMP you need to be fast and in control, like
the camera that has a small amount of smoothness to fire always to the center.
Particles and explosions have some basic physics.


4. What was the inspiration behind your ships?

Our artist Santiago takes the credits for the ship design, inspirations comes from the classics games like R-Type, Salamander, Axelay, and movies and TV like Robotech.dogos_84


5. How hard was it to make DOGOS an open world SHUMP?

The challenge is with the enemies, can’t always fly in a fixed pattern, and weapons too, fixed patterns of bullet don’t work well when the enemy and you can be anywhere on the screen
can’t do patterns like classics SHUMP, to fix that, we have open spaces, when you need to fly more to kill the enemies, that fly like a real ship, we have narrow spaces, with fixed enemies, tanks, and other obstacles, in some bosses the camera stops and works like a classic SHUMP and we do patterns there, we do a mix of everything, we also add a little platform gameplay.


6. What did you find to be the most challenging aspect of making DOGOS?
Like the previous question, the gameplay and the difficulty tuning.dogos_49


7. What if any lessons did you learn from Project Root that helped with the development DOGOS?

In Project Root, we have long levels without checkpoints, too old school, in DOGOS we game smaller levels and big too, but with checkpoints making easy to progress.
In DOGOS the easy levels are really easy, so anyone can enjoy the game, low damage and infinite lives, the uppers levels are for people that like a real challenge, now we are sure everyone can enjoy DOGOS.
We polish the tutorial system, we add a overlay map to find you way and improved the graphics a lot.


8. Do you have any plans for ship/level customization in future updates or DLC?
We are a small team of 4 people, we put everything we have in the release of DOGOS, we don’t keep anything to do a DLC on purpose later.
We like to do a DLC, can’t tell you when is going to be ready, we are working with the release of the game, after is launched we can start working on DLCdogos_65


9. Would you ever like to see DOGOS on the Wii-U/3DS or are there any plans to do so?

Like before, we are 4, we are Nintendo dev, we can do it, 3DS is a nice challenge for me as the programmer I love to port it to 3DS and Wii-U, after the release we are going look at it, but  no guarantees here.


10. Would you like to share anything with our readers that may be looking into game development?

Is not easy, but it’s fun, it’s too much fun, I’ve spent 20 years in game dev and I can I will do for free.
Choose your trade, programming, 3D Art, and start working as a hobby, or get education if you can, indie is hard, you will end up having to do 5 peoples work,
but its pays, for me see my games in PlayStation and Xbox is a dream that comes true.
I’ve worked for big companies before, if you can get hired, learn from the people that do it for years, then start your own if you like, but never forget to get fun at what you do.

Now there you have it the words of an awesome developer and  director and just a slight taste of whats to come on Sept 6.

I would like to thank Pablo Testa for taking the time to talk with us. I would also like for you to please check out their page for more info on the game from the links below.

I would like to thank you for reading and please keep doing it for the love of the game.

Also please follow them here as well







By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.