Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

So yesterday a user called THEN00P released his Homebrew Browser Proof of Concept for PS Vita on GBATemp which lets you download Homebrews directly to your Vita through the Vitas Internet Browser.
Vita Homebrew in Browser
This is pretty nice but I hope to see a full Homebrew like this one which got announced on soon because it will be able to directly install the VPKs as well as it won’t need a workaround like downloading a Homebrew as .mp4 which you then need to rename to .vpk and install.
Vita Homebrew Store
Vita Homebrew Store

You can find the announcement post and more pictures here.

And to be fair. He is not the first person with this workaround. had the same but with .mp3. At that time MolecularShell still wasn’t able to rename files though so it was pretty pointless to use. And because is currently still down for maintenance this is your only chance to download Homebrew to your PS Vita without the need of a PC or Smartphone with FTP.

If you want to try it out go to this web address on your PS Vita:

Source: GBATemp

By Darthsternie

Interested in everything Technical. Loves self-repairing Tech. Collector of Firmwares. Enthusiast Gamer and Anime Fan ^^