Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

An overview on the password situation

We all know that passwords are a drag, and end up using one same password for everything, everywhere and every time.

It’s always recommended to not use the same password everywhere, but remembering different passwords is too much of a hassle, moreover passwords’ are mostly set as alphanumeric texts, as hard as they are to remember already, having even more than one of those passwords to remember, <b><i>sigh</b></i>

What we want to do:

  1. Make strong, unbreakable passwords that can’t be guessed easily
  2. Set different passwords where possible
  3. Be able to remember these passwords efficiently
  4. Profit!

Let’s begin with what you should NOT do.

First off, don’t laze around, passwords like






not really, secure, those are one of the first passwords in any brute force wordlist (lists of probable passwords that a hacker feeds into a program that tries each password from the list to check if it works) . Secondly, don’t use things that you relate to, or simply something people you know or friends can guess, for example; locations, names of your family members or pets, phone numbers, etc. basically day-to-day things that are obviously important/significant enough to be visible to others. Lastly, I recommend changing passwords once in a while, you can never be too safe.


Then comes up the actual question.

‘How do I create a complex password that I can remember?’

1.The longer it is, the harder it is to guess / hack

That’s just plain common sense, more characters mean more effort for the human / program trying to harm you. What I recommend is to make a 12 character password, making it secure enough and at the same time short enough to easily remember (remembering will soon be the least of our problems).

2.Make it as varied as you can

Use lower case letters, Uppercase letters , numbers and special characters like punctuation, and maybe some with accents(è), rare in wordlists, and mostly available to type in with some shortcuts on any keyboard).

3.Use this clever method to make an easy to remember complex password

It’s way simpler than you’d think.

My favorite method is to take a phrase, convert it into a password, add better chooses something funny, that stuff tends to stick.

‘Does nothing of importance come asking for bread?


Make it more complex to your heart’s desire, convert it to ‘1337’


For the cherry on the top, ill add an accented character (make this part completely optional as it might be a hassle to type the accented letters, but most phones reveal these if you hold down on an alphabet)



There you have it, marvelous and wondrous, a complex password of your own, that I bet you’ll remember.


4.Still having problems remembering various of these passphrases?

If that is, in fact, the case, you can use a free keychain along with its free app available almost on all OSes.

I recommend ‘1password’ for Android users.

You already have ‘keychain’ on Apple devices and to be honest it’s pretty good.


You can check out or download ‘1password’ right down here from the Play Store.

1 password

By Demolasher36

I love Android, and i love DIY Also i love Graphics and theming stuff Otakudesu ^~^