Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Last Thursday was a huge day for Final Fantasy Fans, as probably the most ambitious and complex title of the series was featured at the UNCOVERED: FINAL FANTASY XV event.

final-fantasy-xv-135201.33Not only did we get a more in-depth look at the upcoming RPG, with new trailers and announcements galore, it seems like the wealth of content in preparation for the release is a bounty for those who love Final Fantasy. More importantly, the disclosure of a worldwide release date has finally been set: September 30th, 2016!  final-fantasy-xv-135201.32For a complete and thorough wrap up of the of the event, you can check out Gematsu’s article here – there’s details about the new FF Movie, and a prologue anime airing until the release!

If you have the time, here is a new demo for both the PS4 and XboxOne, where upon completion, players will unlock a special Carbuncle companion to be used when Final Fantasy XV releases later this year:

PlayStation®4 XboxOne™ [RPG] Release: September 30th, 2016


final-fantasy-xv-135201.45 (1)

Final Fantasy XV (PlayStation 4™, US)
US$ 59.99

Final Fantasy XV (PlayStation 4™, JPN)
US$ 78.99

Final Fantasy XV (PlayStation 4™, EUR)
US$ 59.99

Final Fantasy XV (Chinese Subs) (PlayStation 4™, ASIA)
US$ 59.99

Final Fantasy XV (Xbox One™, US)
US$ 59.99
Final Fantasy XV (Xbox One™, EUR) US$ 59.99

Final Fantasy XV (Xbox One™, JPN)
US$ 78.99

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.