Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Ubisoft is reported to be launching The Division’s expansions for Xbox One 30 days before the PS4 and PC according to GameStop. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise considering Xbox One players have been given extra days for both the closed and open betas in the months leading up to the titles release on March 8. It was common knowledge that the Xbox One was essentially the home for The Division, however there was nothing set in concrete regarding how PS4 and PC players were going to be at a slight disadvantage compared to Xbox One owners when it came to The Division’s future downloadable content.

A breakdown of The Division’s season pass includes three post-release expansions titled Underground, Survival, and Last Stand. The first expansion players will experience titled “Underground” involves a four-player squad patrol where we will see new areas of subterranean New York. The second expansion “Survival” ushers in more unsympathetic settings for more seasoned players. Finally, the third expansion titled “Last Stand” is elusive at this point.

On the 16th of February a GameStop advertisement for The Division was posted which highlights a handful of GameStop employees experiences with the game as well as detailing the benefits players will get if they were to buy the game for the Xbox One.

In the promotional video, a GameStop employee comments that, “content on Xbox will be delivered 30 days before Sony will see it,” with the inclusion of three post-release expansions.

Even though the timed exclusivity deal for The Division was announced during Ubisoft’s E3 2014 press conference, the details were scarce regarding the length of time Xbox One would have over other platforms.

Players are seeing this special treatment model time and time again when it comes to multi-platform games for instance in games like Destiny having specific privileges when it came to in-game content i.e. guns and strikes or even Call of Duty where non-Xbox owners had delays when it came to released map packs.

According to a Forbes report, the move to have a faction of Division players having early access to the games extra content will, “fracture discussion about the game in a way that is horrible for keeping a cohesive community together.”

Do you think it’s unfair Xbox One owners will be receiving the DLC content first?

For more news on The Division stay tuned with Hackinformer and follow us on our official twitter pages @Hackinformer and @geestar74


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.