Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Hey everybody, today I’m here to talk about this easy to use tool to help you modify your app.db for those custom theme’s you been seeing on the PSVita/PSTV.2015-08-04-205339

PSVita DB Theme Installer v1.0 by Red Squirrel is a program to simplify the installation of custom themes in our app.db!!

Here is what he had ts say about it.

Hello guys,
I created a tool to simplify the installation of custom themes in our app.db

-Written in JAVA, so compatible with any OS that supports a JVM (Windows, Linux, Mac…)

-Removed the need to use any external program (like SQLite Browser) and to find and edit SQL tables/records manually: all you need to do is to pass an app.db and your theme info, the program will write records automatically in your DB file at the correct table.

-Support for SQL blobs: this means that you can insert even a title and an author/provider for your custom theme that will appear in PSVita Theme Settings page. In this way there will be really no difference between an official PSVita theme and your custom theme, like you can view from these screenshots…jsuY6qAZga

-Basic and easy to use GUI:snapshot-2015-10-05-13_48-37-2015-10-16-12_15-21


-Application’s window resizable by the user so as to fit any screen resolutions

-Tooltips with explanations on every field:snapshot-2015-10-05-13_48-37-2015-10-16-12_18-46


-Support for drag & drop in the input app.db text field

-The program will check if a record with the same UNIQUE key is already existing so as avoiding SQL errors.

-Ability to insert all params about your theme info, such as version, last mod date, size, etc…

-Ability to calculate the size of your theme automatically (by passing the main folder of your theme the program will calculate automatically the full size)

-Ability to set the last modified date to now automatically

-Ability to create a backup of your app.db automatically before writing changes

-Ability to quickly fill all text fields with default values (I used the same of the HackInformer’s tutorial):snapshot-2015-10-05-13_48-37-2015-10-16-12_16-18


-English and Italian translations

That’s all, I hope this will improve your relationship with custom themes

Now this is a huge help to some of us that are all about making themes and will help others to get there ideas out.

We also are having a theme contest in our forums so now is you shot to go down in PS Vita/PSTV infamy!!!!

Thanks for reading and as always keep doing it for the love of the game!

Download: PSVita DB Theme Installer v1.0 

Download: PSVita DB Theme Installer v1.1 

And show some love on his post here.

You also can find out all about our custom theme contest is here.

By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.